Since the beginning of 2019, increasing violence in Sudan has resulted in greater numbers of injured civilians requiring life-saving care. It is imperative that doctors and other health staff are protected so that they can continue their work without obstruction, and without risk to their own safety. Earlier this year, the Federal Ministry of Health committed to protecting health facilities and health professionals, and assuring access for all people, including those inured, to health services
Die Situation älter werdender Migrantinnen und Migranten in der Schweiz. Eine Toolbox für Fach- und Lehrpersonen
Die Toolbox widmet sich den Zusammenhängen von Migration, Alter und Gesundheit. Wie und ob Menschen in der Migration auch im Alter gesund bleiben, hängt von verschiedenen Aspekten ab..., beispielsweise vom sozio-ökonomischen Status, den zur Verfügung stehenden persönlichen Bewältigungsstrategien oder den Zugangsmöglichkeiten zur gesundheitlichen Versorgung.
The Guide
Ratgeber Parkinson – Englisch
Accessed: 11.03.2019
A Manual for Medical Officer
Developed under the Government of India – WHO Collaborative Programme 2008-2009
Accessed: 11.03.2019
This document is intended for use by state and local health departments and healthcare facilities and serves as general guidance for the initial response for the containment of novel or targeted multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) or resistance mechanisms. It is not intended to describe all the ac...tions that might be required for control of an outbreak (e.g., sustained transmission within a facility or region). In addition, further evaluation might be required based on the findings of the initial response described in this document.
The Epidemiological Alerts are released in order to provide information about the occurrence of international public health events which have implications or could have implications for the countries and territories of the Americas; as well as recommendations issued by the Pan American Health Organi...zation.
The Epidemiological Updates are released as new information becomes available regarding events previously shared through Epidemiological Alerts.
Hight threat in 2018-2019
Accessed: 11.03.2019
Мы работаем для того, чтобы все пациенты в Европе, пострадавшие от инсульта, имелиправо на постоянный уход. От профилактики иидентификации рисков, через неотложную...помощь к организации подразделенийреагирования на инсульт в острой форме, кнадлежащей реабилитации и мероприятиямвторичной профилактики к 2015 г.
Accessed on 2019
Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of illness and death among people living with HIV. TB can be cured.
On the global scale, the impacts of the current food system on the environment are severe. The agro-industrial revolution has made it possible to increase food production at a price.
This report reviews and analyses the Affordable Medicines Programme, which was introduced in Ukraine in April 2017 to provide patients with improved access to 23 outpatient medicines for the treatment of chronic noncommunicable diseases. The evaluation combines both quantitative and qualitative anal...ysis. The findings confirm that the Programme has contributed to a significant increase in access to needed outpatient medicines in Ukraine. Further, while implementation was successful overall, uptake across regions was uneven. The report concludes by listing a number of policy options to support the sustainability and expansion of the Affordable Medicines Programme.
The Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS) is a platform for global data sharing on antimicrobial resistance worldwide. It has been launched by WHO as part of the implementation of the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The data generated will help to inform n...ational, regional and global decision-making, strategies and advocacy.
By December of 2019, an estimated 5.3 million Venezuelans would have left the country, migrating in search of opportunities, health services and an overall search to improve the socio-economic conditions of themselves and their families. This is the largest migration in the history of the Americas. ...Migrants are one of the most vulnerable populations, exposed to human trafficking, abuse, exploitation and violence.
This Emergency Appeal seeks funds to reach this vulnerable population through a range of services that are aimed at preserving the dignity of migrant populations and increasing their wellbeing. These services are: shelter; livelihoods and basic needs; health services; water, sanitation and hygiene services; protection gender and inclusion. T