Executive summary
Accessed: 31.03.2019
Observatory report by Médecins du Monde/Doctors of the World Germany:“Deprived of the right to health. Sick and without medical care in Germany” gives a rare insight into the situation of those who have no or only limited access to the German health system.
Guidelines for adults on how to communicate with adolescents about mental health problems and other sensitive topics
Accessed: 31.03.2019
This module will consider the role of community pharmacy teams in tackling antimicrobial resistance. After reading this module you will be able to explain why antimicrobial resistance is a threat to patient safety, and public and global health. You will also be able to list common self-limiting infe...ctions, their usual duration, and outline the key messages that you should be sharing with the public.
Antimicrobial resistance is a major threat to modern medicine. This course in Clinical Antibiotic Stewarship brought to you by the South African Antibiotic Stewardship Programme (SAASP) teaches the principles of antibiotic prescribing and an approach to common clinical problems.
Nature Sustainability | VOL 2 | APRIL 2019 | 267–273 | www.nature.com/natsustain
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265 Audio Frage-Antwort-Sets (Ja/Nein oder multiple choice) mit Fragen und Antworten zu Symptomen, Anamnesen, Diagnostik und Erstversorgung. Beispiele hören Sie im Video
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Antibiotics are important medicines for the treatment of bacterial infections in humans and animals. Since their introduction in the 1940’s antibiotics have saved countless lives and has made many medical techniques possible or safer.
Key messages for professionals working at hospitals and other healthcare settings: managers/administrators, infectious disease specialists, infection prevention and control professionals, epidemiologists, prescribers, junior doctors and students, pharmacists, nurses, clinical microbiologists, and pr...ofessionals in emergency departments, in intensive care units, and in long-term care facilities.
Welcome to CDC's Antibiotic Stewardship Training Plan. Modules can be taken in any order. Each module can be taken outside of the training plan by going to TRAIN's search page and entering the key words "CDC Training on Antibiotic Stewardship". Select the courses you would like to take and add them... to Your Learning.
Antibiotics, also known as antimicrobial drugs, are medicines that can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria to cure infections in people, animals and sometimes plants. Antibiotics are medicines for bacterial infections (such as pneumococcal pneumonia or staphylococcal bloodstream infections); anti...microbial drugs that are effective against viruses are usually called antiviral drugs (such as those for influenza, HIV and herpes). Not all antibiotics are active against all bacteria. There are more than 15 different classes of antibiotics that differ in their chemical structure and their action against bacteria. An antibiotic may be effective against only one or multiple types of bacteria.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing threat to our health, causing at least 700,000 deaths globally every year. The death toll attributed to AMR is predicted to rise, with most lives lost in low and middle income countries (LMICs).
AMR is also a critical challenge for many other sectors, inc...luding animal health and welfare, aquaculture, agriculture, food safety and broader socioeconomic development. A coordinated, cross-sectoral and multi-pronged approach is needed at all levels of government to ensure an effective and targeted response to this mounting resistance.
Educational materials (slide presentations) from FAO covering important biosecurity aspects in poultry farms