Documento de trabajo
Considerando, las Alertas Epidemiológicas sobre el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) publicadas en enero y la más reciente 5 de febrero del 2020 (disponibles en: us-alertas-epidemiologicas&...alias=51567-5-de-febrero-de-2020-nuevo-coronavirus-ncov-actualizacionepidemiologica-1&Itemid=270&lang=es que refieren la circulación de este virus en al menos 23 países, según lo reportado a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).
Así mismo, que a esta fecha, continua la incertidumbre sobre el nuevo patógeno y el espectro de manifestaciones que pueda causar, la fuente de infección, el modo de transmisión, el periodo de incubación, la gravedad de la enfermedad y las medidas específicas de control: y que, existe un riesgo teórico de transmisión del virus a través de la transfusión de productos sanguíneos lábiles como: sangre completa, preparaciones de glóbulos rojos, preparaciones de plaquetas, preparaciones de granulocitos, plasma fresco congelado y crioprecipitado.
This document summarizes current WHO guidance for public health surveillance of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in humans caused by infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (hereafter referred to as COVID19 surveillance).
The One Health approach can help achieve progress and promotes synergies on national and global priorities by generating synergies at the human-animal-environmental interface. While evidence is still scare, it is likely that the approach is highly cost-effective and improves effectiveness of core pu...blic health systems, through reducing morbidity, mortality, and economic costs of disease outbreaks. It also contributes to economic development through strengthening public health systems at the human-animal-environment interface protects health, agricultural production, and
ecosystem services
This concept report was prepared by Faith for Earth Initiative in support of the efforts of the Government of Iceland to put forth a new resolution during UNEA 5.2 1
Ethics in Higher Education
A Resource Guide for Country Offices
In Kenya, 12.7 percent of sick Kenyans do not seek health care when they are ill with high cost of services being one of the major barriers that accounted for upto 21 percent of those who did not seek care in 2013. Further, 2.6 million Kenyans (6.2 percent) of households were at risk of impoverishme...nt as a consequence of expenditure on health care depleting household savings and were at a risk of falling into poverty (Republic of Kenya 2015b).
This brief provides key considerations for engaging communities on COVID-19 and tips for how to engage where there are movement restrictions and physical distancing measures in place, particularly in low-resource settings.
All countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region are expected to report on these indicators for the year 2020.
Five years after a global commitment to Fast-Track the HIV response and end AIDS by 2030, the world is off track. A promise to build on the momentum created in the first decade of the twenty-first century by front-loading investment and accelerating HIV service provision has been fulfilled by too fe...w countries.
Five years after a global commitment to Fast-Track the HIV response and end AIDS by 2030, the world is off track. A promise to build on the momentum created in the first decade of the twenty-first century by front-loading investment and accelerating HIV service provision has been fulfilled by too fe...w countries.
How has the DRC Ebola outbreak impacted Sexual and Reproductive Health in North-Kivu?
Recommendations (more specifics found in the assessment):
1. Sexual and reproductive health needs and services are to be embedded in the EVD response from the outset.
2. Reduce delays at every stage of the patie...nt journey, particularly for women experiencing obstetric complications, including complications from abortion.
3. Support individuals and communities to mitigate SRH risks posed during and after EVD epidemic:
4. Formulate SRH guidelines for the EVD context involving experts in all relevant fields.
Accessed on 16.03.2020
L’orthophonie est une profession naissante en Afrique de l’Ouest et plus particulièrement au Burkina Faso, et donc très peu connue du grand public. Actuellement, le Togo, est le seul pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest qui dispose de 37 orthophonistes d’Etat formés en... son sein grâce à son Ecole Nationale des Auxiliaires Médicaux (ENAM). Cette école abrite depuis 2003 le département des orthophonistes.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus introduced to humans for the first time. It is spread from person to person mainly through the droplets produced when an infected person speaks, coughs or sneezes. Watch this short animation to learn more about COVID-19 and how to protect... yourself against it.
General public
Orientaciones provisionales 2 de noviembre de 2020
Estas orientaciones provisionales son una actualización de la versión anterior, publicada el 31 de mayo de 2020 bajo el título “Harmonized modules for health facility assessment modules in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic...”. Esta labor de actualizaciónha permitido perfeccionar y seguir desarrollando el contenido de los módulos.
El documento "Lista de productos sanitarios prioritarios para la respuesta a COVID-19 y especificaciones técnicas asociadas" complementa esta directriz.
Este documento proporciona una orientación provisional sobre la calidad, las características de rendimiento y las normas conexas de los equi...pos de protección personal (EPP) que se utilizarán en el contexto de COVID-19. Esto incluye los productos sanitarios prioritarios de la OMS, concretamente: mascarillas quirúrgicas, mascarillas no quirúrgicas, guantes, gafas, protectores faciales, batas y mascarillas N95. Está dirigido a los organismos de adquisición, los departamentos de salud laboral, los departamentos o puntos focales de prevención y control de infecciones, los administradores de los centros de salud, la ingeniería biomédica y de materiales, los fabricantes de EPI y las autoridades de salud pública, tanto a nivel nacional como de los centros.
Ce document fournit des orientations provisoires sur la qualité, les caractéristiques de performance et les normes connexes des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) à utiliser dans le contexte de COVID-19. Il s'agit notamment des dispositifs médicaux prioritaires de l'OMS, à savoir : masques chirurgicaux, les masques non chirurgicaux, les gants, les lunettes de protection, les écrans faciaux, les blouses et les masques N95. Il est destiné aux organismes d'approvisionnement, aux services de santé au travail, aux services ou points focaux de prévention et de contrôle des infections, aux administrateurs d'établissements de santé, aux ingénieurs biomédicaux et des matériaux, aux fabricants d'EPI et aux autorités de santé publique, tant au niveau national qu'au niveau des établissements.
Be sure to get your facts from reliable sources, like UNICEF and the World Health Organization. UNICEF is working with global health experts around the clock to provide accurate information. Information you can trust is grounded in the latest scientific evidence. We’ll continue to provide the updates, explainers for parents and teachers, and resources for media as new information becomes available, so check back to stay informed of the best ways to protect yourself and your family.
Please help us fight misinformation about COVID-19. Share this information with your family, friends and colleagues to help ensure people have the facts about COVID-19 and can protect their health.