his two minutes and forty seconds animated video provides basic information and precautions on how to protect self from Ebola virus disease. It also outlines modes of transmission, symptoms, as well as the top-listed frequently asked questions.
Le Cryopack 6.2/4L PSE est un conditionnement isotherme permettant l’expédition en température basse (réfrigération ou congélation) de matières infectieuses pour l’homme (matières identifiées dans la classe 6, division 6.2 des réglementations IATA, ADR et IMDG).
Want to build a tippy tap? Want to teach someone else how to? Here is a graphical manual that works for both literate and illiterate populations. If you need a particular language that’s not here or can assist with translation, please let us know!
Accessed 18 December 2014
Now available in an interactive map journal that shows the evolution of the outbreak and the global response. Please download the latest version from the website
Ebola online Training cours in French
It is important for all people in regions threatened by Ebola to understand basic issues related to the disease. This module offers non-professionals a useful overview of Ebola, including how people contract Ebola, who is at highest risk and the signs and sympt...oms of the illness. The module describes what Ebola does to the human body and tells you what you should do if you think you or a friend or family member has Ebola. Further, the module looks at how the illness is diagnosed, how it is treated and how to protect yourself against it.