YouTube influencer Healthcare Triage talked with WHO's Dr Kate O'Brien about how the COVID-19 vaccine works, how it gets distributed, and how we distribute it equitably.
1:27 Safety questions and concerns about quick development of the vaccine.
7:18 Have we entered a new age where all vaccines wi...ll be developed this easily and quickly?
8:41 Questions about vaccine distribution – how’s it gonna work?
10:36 How do we make sure we distribute the vaccine equitably?
11:59 How do we make sure all countries get the same seat at the vaccine table?
13:29 What are reasonable expectations about the vaccine and life returning to “normal”?
15:14 Misinformation about the vaccine
17:00 Specific myths about the vaccine
18:18 The bigger picture – what have we learned from this pandemic that we should apply in the future?
This report assesses the impact of the conflict in Ukraine and its implications for organized crime and security-related issues for neighbouring countries, with a focus on Moldova.
These include:
Organized crime and illicit trafficking (including trafficking in persons, drugs, arms, illicit toba...cco, and other goods); Cybercrimes and fraud; Disinformation and propaganda; and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) threats.
Mythbusters. Available in different languages
Available in different languages
This video was shared on Facebook. It discourages listening to myths and rumors such as those that claim that antibiotics or eating garlic can cure coronavirus. It is important not to listen to rumors, but to get correct information from reliable sources
Orientations pour faire face à une infodémie mondiale et favoriser la demande de vaccination
Décembre 2020
La désinformation menace le succès des programmes de vaccination dans le monde entier. Ce guide vise à aider les organisations à faire face à l'infodémie mondiale par l'élaboration plans d'action nationaux stratégiques et bien coordonnés pour contrer rapidement la désinformation sur les vaccins et créer une demande de vaccination qui soit fondée sur l'écoute sociale.
Rumors emerge when people feel left out of the discussion, when their questions cannot be answered by authorities or their doubts are dismissed by official sources. But also, rumors present an opportunity – to understand the questions, concerns and anxieties communities may have about this pandemi...c.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Internews has followed its rumour-tracking methodology, including social media listening, to identify those rumors that are posing additional risks to the communities, ensuring content is collected from diverse demographic groups.
Internews produces and distributes rumor bulletins through its Rooted in Trust and its H2H (humanitarian-to-humanitarian network) projects. Rooted in Trust has collected close to 6,000 rumors from seven countries in 12 languages, and collects data across seven major social media platforms and a wide range of feedback collection channels. H2H is a collaboration to support responders at every level by analyzing information gaps and addressing them with evidence-based content in relevant languages, formats, and channels.
Internews’ Rooted In Trust (RiT) Project tracks COVID-19-related rumors circulating among social media users and vulnerable communities in Colombia, as well as other countries around the globe. The rumors are used to inform risk communication efforts by humanitarians and public health actors, and support local media in disseminating more accurate and actionable information that responds to community questions and concerns.
Internews’ Rooted In Trust (RiT) Project tracks COVID-19-related rumors circulating among social media users and vulnerable communities in Mali, as well as other countries around the globe. The rumors are used to inform risk communication efforts by humanitarians and public health actors, and to s...upport local media in disseminating more accurate and actionable information that responds to community questions and concerns.
Un jeu d’une durée de 5 minutes qui t’aide à ne pas être induit en erreur par les fausses informations qui circulent sur la COVID-19
Internews and Maharat collected and analyzed 433 rumors about COVID-19 circulating on social media
between January 5, 2021and January 31, 2021. This bulletin highlights community perceptions and criticisms about different topics
The ten mythbusters, available in English and Siswati, were developed based on feedback received from chiefdom leadership who identified prevailing myths and misconceptions related to COVID-19 prevention, treatment or stigma related to recovery.
Key mythbusters tackle use of alcohol, garlic, hot ...baths, home remedies, sex, bleach and sanitizer, and hydroxychoroquine, with key facts. They also address misconceptions that only urban populations or older people are affected and reassure people about recovery.
Available in Englisch and Siswati
Internews and Maharat collected and analyzed 433 rumors about COVID-19 circulating on social media
between January 5, 2021and January 31, 2021. This bulletin highlights community perceptions and criticisms about different topics
Terminology used to describe the transmission of pathogens through the air varies across scientific disciplines, organizations and the general public. While this has been the case for decades, during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the terms ‘airborne’, ‘airborne transmission’ a...nd ‘aerosol transmission’ were used in different ways by stakeholders in different scientific disciplines, which may have contributed to misleading information and confusion about how pathogens are transmitted in human populations.
This global technical consultation report brings together viewpoints from experts spanning a range of disciplines with the key objective of seeking consensus regarding the terminology used to describe the transmission of pathogens through the air that can potentially cause infection in humans.
This consultation aimed to identify terminology that could be understood and accepted by different technical disciplines. The agreed process was to develop a consensus document that could be endorsed by global agencies and entities. Despite the complex discussions and challenges, significant progress was made during the consultation process, particularly the consensus on a set of descriptors to describe how pathogens are transmitted through the air and the related modes of transmission. WHO recognizes the important areas where consensus was not achieved and will continue to address these areas in follow-up consultations.
In its report from 2014, the Working Group outlines the various factors influencing vaccine acceptance or refusal, and what can be done to create social norms around vaccine acceptance and to encourage the general public regarding the necessity of vaccination.
This infodemic management course applies evidence-based guidance to the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers key risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) principles and illustrates how they can be operationalized in the context of an extended outbreak that affects different populations with varyin...g risk levels. Illustrations from WHO headquarters, regions, and Ministries of Health provide concrete examples of messaging and other communication interventions developed during COVID-19.