Claritas Journal of Dialogue and Culture, Vol. 5, No. 2 (October 2016)
53–54 © 2016
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014. Pp. 166. $28.64
Subsidiarity guides people to establish relationships where they can make decisions, accomplish good work, and live their lives in a manner that respects human dignity
The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics
Volume 1, Issue 1, Article 4 Res
The principle Life and Dignity of the Human Person is one of the seven themes of Catholic social teaching (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) . We believe that God created man and woman in his image (Genesis 1:26–27) and because of this all people have inherent dignity . There is nothin...g anyone can do to gain or take away their human dignity, since it is God given, not earned . Because of this, we believe that every life is sacred and that no life—born or unborn—is disposable . All of the principles of Catholic social teaching flow from the core belief that every person has inherent dignity that must be respected .
Catholic social teaching, integral ecology and sustainable development
Presentation on Solidarity based on the Catholic Social Teaching
In Catholic Social Teaching, (hereafter CST) the term “solidarity” makes explicit what is implicit in the Gospel sayings about losing ourselves for the sake of others – and in this way finding our true selves. It is about what it means to be fully human: we cannot be our own true selves outsid...e of right relationships with others and with our environment. But the Gospel saying is not just an anthropological statement; it is a moral requirement; it leads to having life, or losing it; and it is a requirement of Christian discipleship. (cf Luke 9:23,24)
with focus on the aspects important for Catholic Social Teaching-driven management
CST 101 is a collaborative 7-part video series presented by the USCCB and Catholic Relief Services on Catholic Social Teaching. Learn from Sr. Ruth Bolarte, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, and Sean Callahan as they discuss Solidarity.
Geographical Paper No. 177
Accessed on: 18.06.2020
4 priciples that can change the world
accessed July 2019
Fact Sheet 4
Accessed on 17 July 2020
Fact Sheet 3
accessed 23 July 2020
Common Good creates opportunities for those marginalised by poverty and injustice to realise their full, God-given potential, and mobilizes the church to engage and act justly. (South Africa)
Through the unrivalled outreach of the CatholicChurch we are able to bring together localknowledge at the grassroots level with thecombined expertise and resources of a globalnetwork.
accessed July 2020