On 20 March 2020, Pope Francis asked the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD) to create a Commission, in collaboration with other Dicasteries of the Roman Curia and other organizations, to express the Church’s solicitude and care for the whole human family facing the COVID-19... pandemic, including analysis, reflection on the new socio-economic-cultural future, and the proposal of relevant approaches.
Accordingly, DPIHD has established a Vatican COVID-19 Commission to take up the Pope’s concern through the activities of five Working Groups, which are: acting now for the future; looking to the future with creativity; communicating hope; seeking common dialogue and reflections; supporting to care.
WHAT IS THE CATHOLIC VIEW REGARDING THE DIGNITY OF WORK AND THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS?We learn through the Genesis story that God has made the human person in the image and likeness of God. Human dignityfinds its origin here. The creation of humans takes place only after the creation of he...aven and earth, and man and womanare created to be in relationship with their environment. All that human beings need for their survival and well-being isprovided by God but requires their creative effort and toil.
accessed July 2019
with focus on the aspects important for Catholic Social Teaching-driven management
Common Good creates opportunities for those marginalised by poverty and injustice to realise their full, God-given potential, and mobilizes the church to engage and act justly. (South Africa)
Available in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Available in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Available in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Available in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Council
23 Febur. 2021
A thesis submitted for the Degree of Master of Theology at the South African Theological Seminary
Une étude de terrain internationale réalisée par des théologiens et des experts de santé africains et allemands
Venite Roundtable with Entrepreneurs
Bratislava, 1 December 20142014
Journal of Palliative Medicine Volume 21, Number 10, 2018
DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2018.0248ad
Vatican lays out 20 points for a universal and fair destination of vaccines, for a fairer and healthier world
Themes from the Catholic Social Teaching. Drawn from ''Sharing Catholic Social Teaching Challenges and Directions 2017" In these brief reflections, several of the key themes are highlighted that are at the heart of the Catholic social tradition.