The third Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS III) has been formulated following the expire of its predecessor strategy, MGDS II, in June 2016. The strategy has been prepared at a time when Malawi has been experiencing multiple shocks including floods, drought and financial crises. While fo...od production improved in 2017, the cycle of food deficit and surplus has kept the country preoccupied with fighting disasters instead of pursuing its development agenda. It is for this reason that the theme of the MGDS III is "Building a Productive, Competitive and Resilient Nation". With this nation competing on the global stage while ensuring that the nation builds systems that deal with natural shocks and disasters.
Situación de la salud - Argentina
The Department of Health (DOH) today requested the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council Chair Secretary Delfin N. Lorenzana to convene a full council meeting and declared a national dengue epidemic in the wake of the 146,062 cases recorded since January up to July 20 this year, 98...% higher than the same period in 2018. There were 622 deaths.
Senegal has adopted the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) three-pronged strategy for combating malaria in pregnancy (MiP): (1) intermittent preventative treatment in pregnancy (IPTp)1 via directly observed therapy (DOT), (2) distribution and use of insecticidetreated nets (ITNs), and (3) case of MiP. The country began implementing IPTp in 2003.2 Senegal’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) has shown strong leadership in supporting key malaria interventions. 3