This strategy takes into account the policies formulated by sectors with cross-cutting interests in school meals, such as education, health, social protection and agriculture.The strategy further complements the provisions of the National School Health Policy and the asso...ciated National School Health Guidelines (2009) into a school meals framework with six strategic objectives. Above all, the strategy encourages inter-ministerial coordination, multi-sectoral planning, stable funding and monitoring and evaluation for home-grown school meals to all children in Kenya.
for health and nutrition workers in emergency situations for training, practice and reference
Available in: English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Thai, Korean, Tajik, Vietnamese, Uzbek
This real-time learning process was carried out in order to identify the gaps and needs within World Vision’s current Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) response in Sierra Leone and to inform World Vision on how other surrounding countries (specifically those with national offices such as Mali, Ghana,, Mauritania, Senegal and Chad) should prepare for a possible Ebola outbreak.
Moving towards equity and quality
Meeting report, 25-26 September 2017 Copenhagen, Denmark
The document covers: introduction on contact tracing in the Ebola response; general considerations for contact tracing; case definition; planning and preparation; personnel; implementation, and tools for contact tracing.
Rappart sur les populations clés.
Conhecimento, atitudes e práticas sobre tuberculose em prisões e no serviço público de saúde
Rev Bras Epidemiol 2013; 16(1): 100-113
The study is based on in-depth, semi-structured qualitative interviews with 60 Syrians who arrived in Spain between 2015 and 2017.