Guide; revised 15 June 2010
Technical Update
Areas of Africa endemic for Buruli ulcer (BU), caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, also have a high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), with adult prevalence rates between 1% and 5% (Maps). However, there is limited information on the prevalence of BU–HIV coinfection.... Preliminary
evidence suggests that HIV infection may increase the risk of BU disease (1–3). In the Médecins Sans Frontières project in Akonolinga, Cameroon, HIV prevalence was approximately 3–6 times higher among BU patients than the regional estimated HIV prevalence (2). Similarly in Benin and Ghana, BU
patients were 8 times and 3 times respectively more likely to have HIV infection than those without BU (1, 3). Further study is needed to clarify this association and enhance knowledge about the prevalence ofBU–HIV coinfection in endemic areas.
Open Online Courses include topics in Global Health, are short and designed for self-study. They are available free and can be accessed by anyone. Most offer a certificate. The course topics are: Climate Change; Public Health; Refugee Health; Diseases in Developing Countries; Basic Epidemiology, etc....
Ce rapport montre que d’importants progrès ont été accomplis en 2015 pour atteindre les cibles de la feuille de route. Ces résultats procèdent de la mise en œuvre de cinq interventions recommandées par l’OMS pour vaincre les MTN : chimiothérapie préventive ; prise en charge innovante et... intensifiée de la maladie ; écologie et gestion vectorielles ; services de santé publique vétérinaire ; et approvisionnement en eau sans risque sanitaire et services d’assainissement et d’hygiène.
305 Dracunculiasis eradication: global surveillance summary, 2017
For the Fiscal Year 2014-2015, the Health Sector continued to implement interventions and strategies meant to improve the availability, accessibility and utilization of quality healthcare services across public and private health facilities; and to ensure the reduction of the burden of communicable ...and non-communicable diseases in Rwanda. This annual report highlights key achievements registered by the health sector during the Fiscal Year 2014-2015. Achievements are highlighted under three big components: Health Programs, Health Systems Support and Budget Execution.
dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19
WHO promotes the inclusion of foodborne trematodiases among the targets of preventive chemotherapy interventions. With the aim of providing access to quality medicines, WHO has negotiated with Novartis Pharma AG whereby Novartis donates triclabendazole for the treatment of fascioliasis and paragonim...iasis in endemic countries. WHO collects applications from ministries of health and medicines are shipped free of charge.
Foodborne trematodiases are caused by parasitic trematode worms. People become infected by eating raw or undercooked fish, crustaceans and vegetables that contain the larval worms.
La equinococosis humana es una zoonosis (es decir, una enfermedad transmitida al ser humano por los animales) provocada por tenias parásitas del género Echinococcus que se presenta en cuatro formas:
L’échinococcose humaine est une zoonose (maladie transmise à l’homme par l’animal) causée par des parasites, à savoir des ténias du genre Echinococcus. L’échinococcose se présente sous 4 formes :
Эхинококкоз человека является зоонозом (болезнью, передаваемой от животных человеку), вызываемым паразитами, а именно ленточными червями рода Echinococcus. Существует ч...етыре формы эхинококкоза:
حقائق رئيسية
إن دواء المشوكات البشري هو مرض طفيلي تتسبب به شريطيات من جنس الشريطيات المشوكة.
وأهم شكلين لهذا المرض لدى الإنسان هما داء المشوكات الكيسي ( داء التكيس ...لديداني) وداء المشوكات السنخي.
ويصاب الإنسان بالعدوى عبر ابتلاع بيوض الطفيليات في الأغذية، أو المياه، أو التربة الملوثة، أو من خلال الاحتكاك المباشر مع الحيوانات المضيفة.
وغالباً ما يكون علاج داء المشوكات مكلفاً ومعقداً، وقد يتطلب جراحة واسعة و/أو علاجاً دوائياً مطولا.
وتشمل برامج الوقاية إخضاع الكلاب لتدابير طرد الديدان، والنهوض بمعاينة الأغذية ونظافة المسالخ؛ ويجري حالياً تقييم تطعيم الحملان كتدخل إضافي.
وهناك أكثر من مليون مصاب بداء المشوكات في أي وقت من الأوقات.
ومرض داء المشوكات البشري هو مرض حيواني المصدر (أي ينتقل إلى الإنسان من الحيوان) تتسبب به طفيليات هي شريطيات من جنس المشوكات. ويظهر داء المشوكات في أربعة أشكال:
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
Food-borne trematode infections are zoonotic, and their pathogens can be transmitted to humans only after the completion of a complex life cycle, some stages of which take place in the body of an intermediate animal host. The first intermediate hosts of all tr...ematode species are freshwater snails. The second host varies depending on the species: in the case of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis it is freshwater fish, and in the case of paragonimiasis it is crustaceans.
Despite pandemic-related disruptions, a total of 76.9 million people received treatment for schistosomiasis in 2020, representing a global coverage of 31.9%, compared with 105 million treated in 2019 (coverage of 44.8%).
The latest data published by the World Health Organization (WHO) show that 2...8.6 million fewer people were treated for schistosomiasis (bilharzia) in 2020 than in 2019. This 27% drop in the number of treatments delivered is largely due to the implementation of COVID-19 measures, including school closures.
Snake-bites are well-known medical emergencies in many parts of the world, especially in rural areas. Agricultural workers and children are the most affected. The incidence of snake-bite mortality is particularly high in South-East Asia. Rational use of snake anti-venom can substantially reduce mort...ality and morbidity due to snake bites. These Guidelines are a revised and updated version of similar guidelines published by the WHO Regional Office in South-East Asia in 1999. These guidelines aim to promote the rational management of snake-bite cases in various health facilities where trained health functionaries and quality snake antivenom are available.
Accessed on 22.04.2023
To target helminth elimination, a new consortium of research institutes, universities, not-for-profit organizations, and pharmaceutical companies have joined forces and expertise to establish a research and development pipeline for the development of anthelminthics nematodes. The focus is on STH as well as onchocerciasis.
La atención concedida a la equidad en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible obliga a encontrar nuevas formas de ampliar progresivamente los servicios a las poblaciones que no los reciben. Las alianzas satisfactorias entre el sector encargado del suministro de agua, el saneamiento y la higien...e (WASH, por su sigla en inglés) y los programas de lucha contra las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETD) pueden contribuir a lograr esta aspiración. Sin embargo, colaborar para encontrar juntos esas nuevas formas, exige nuevos modos de pensar. En esta edición corregida se presenta un conjunto de herramientas para ayudar a los países y los programas de lucha contra la ETD a colaborar con la comunidad relacionada con las acciones de agua, saneamiento e higiene, y guía en la creación de alianzas, en la movilización de recursos y en el diseño, la aplicación y la evaluación de las intervenciones. Más que una guía de “buenas prácticas”, se trata de un conjunto de herramientas basadas en la experiencia adquirida en la realidad de un programa.