Vaccines are designed to give you immunity without the dangers of getting the disease. It’s common to experience some mild to moderate side effects when receiving vaccinations. This is because your immune system instructs your body to increase blood flow so more immune cells can circulate, and it ...raises your body temperature to kill the virus. Vaccines help protect us against disease and feeling mild or moderate side effects after receiving one is a sign that the vaccine and our immune system is working.
Impfungen retten Leben – nicht nur im Rahmen der Corona-Pandemie! Eine richtige Impftechnik gehört über die Allgemeinmedizin hinaus zu den medizinischen Basisfähigkeiten. Mit der gezeigten Standardmethode durch Injektion in den Musculus deltoideus können fast alle Impfstoffe ab dem Kleinkindal...ter verabreicht werden.
In diesem Video erfahrt ihr alles, worauf ihr im Rahmen der Impfung achten müsst – die wichtigsten Kontraindikationen, die Patientenaufklärung und anschließende Dokumentation.
Here you can download different videos: Temperature monitoring; Cold chain; vaccine stock; maintenance; etc.
YouTube influencer Healthcare Triage talked with WHO's Dr Kate O'Brien about how the COVID-19 vaccine works, how it gets distributed, and how we distribute it equitably.
1:27 Safety questions and concerns about quick development of the vaccine.
7:18 Have we entered a new age where all vaccines wi...ll be developed this easily and quickly?
8:41 Questions about vaccine distribution – how’s it gonna work?
10:36 How do we make sure we distribute the vaccine equitably?
11:59 How do we make sure all countries get the same seat at the vaccine table?
13:29 What are reasonable expectations about the vaccine and life returning to “normal”?
15:14 Misinformation about the vaccine
17:00 Specific myths about the vaccine
18:18 The bigger picture – what have we learned from this pandemic that we should apply in the future?
We bring care to life. Engaging, crystal clear, short, and practical, our videos enable learners of all levels to easily understand, and remember critical teaching points.
Several of our newborn care videos have been narrated in Khmer by University Research Company (URC), which works with the Ministry of Health to improve the quality of health services available in Cambodia. Joan Woods—Hospital Improvement Program Leader—said, “The videos are excellent teaching, clear and simple and easy to understand.
IRC is an initiative by Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists to promote accurate and scientific resuscitation training & guidelines.
The first clinical series is on newborn care and will consist of brief vignettes that “bring to life” internationally accepted newborn care guidelines
Available in different languages
These short videos are very helpful to train health professionals, midwives and mothers
You can download videos in different languages
Video of how to obtain a good SARS CoV II sample
Here you can download videos, songs, posters for different audiences and topics in nultiple languages
Video verfügbar in den Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch, Farsi, Französisch, Russisch, Türkisch
Video on Covid-19 awareness for community level workers
Informationen über Schutzmaßnahmen gegen das Coronavirus sowie Fragen zum Arbeitsrecht mit Bezug zur Corona-Epidemie hat WDRforyou erstellt. Die Informationen sind als Videoclips mit Untertiteln verfügbar.
Em tempos de coronavírus, conheça nesse vídeo do UNICEF oito dicas para ajudar a confortar e proteger as crianças.
Available downloads in English, French, German, Russian, and various other languages including Arabic, Italian, Greek, Spanish and Turkish