Botswana CPD.
The 6th Government of Botswana/UNFPA Country Programme (2017-2021) is focusing on a transformative development agenda that is universal, inclusive, human rights-based, integrated and anchored in the principle of equality and leaving no one behind, while reaching the furthest left beh...ind first. The country programme will contribute directly to the three outcomes of the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (2017-2021).
This Guidance Document provides practical assistance to Country Offices scaling up programmes to manage SAM in young children. It outlines a step-by-step process through which countries can analyse their current situation, identify barriers and bottlenecks through the MoRES approach, and plan action... to scale-up treatment. In particular it addresses the challenge of supporting governments to accelerate and sustain scale-up, build national capacities and source reliable and sustained supplies and financing for managing SAM. This document also provides complementary background information, references to international technical recommendations, resources and tools.
The Leprosy Programme and Transmission Assessment (LPTA) is an activity that is carried out by internal teams towards the end of Phase 1 (see Leprosy Elimination Framework in the Annex) when a subnational jurisdiction (typically second-tier) reaches the milestone for interruption of transmission, i....e., zero autochthonous child cases for a consecutive period of five years. It also needs to be done at the end of Phase 2, when the second milestone of elimination of leprosy disease has been reached. An LPTA will be carried out to document that all relevant programme criteria have been met and examine trends of epidemiological indicators in such jurisdiction to confirm that the milestone has been achieved. The LPTA includes assessment of health facilities that provide leprosy services. LPTA comprises of review of epidemiological data, health facility assessment and data validation and verification of the programme criteria through observation during a field visit. The evidence collected in this way in subnational health administrative units is compiled in a Leprosy Elimination Dossier to be submitted to WHO when the country reaches the milestone for elimination of disease in the country as whole. Countries that have not detected any new leprosy cases in the past three years or more can use the LPTA at national level prior to or as part of the verification process. Countries likely to be among the first to apply for verification may have had no new cases detected for more than 10 years.
Evaluation report
September 2014
Le programme des services de santé communautaire sert de programme phare pour la prestation des soins de
santé primaires en Éthiopie. Cependant, sa mise en œuvre s’est heurtée à divers obstacles au niveau du système
de santé. En présentant des stratégies porteuses de transformation, la... feuille de route pour l’optimisation
du programme des services de santé communautaire (2020-2035) offre une occasion de restructurer et de
normaliser l’approche de prestation de services du programme afin d’en assurer la durabilité et l’impact à long
World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
The document explains why vector control is important in national programmes and describes the preparation of a tailor-made vector control plan for national programmes. It outlines entomological procedures for regular and specific vector control and how data should be analysed for better overall und...erstanding of filarial transmission and vectors. The document will also be useful for teaching personnel in lymphatic filariasis programmes about the use and value
of entomological procedures in overall epidemiological appraisal in the context of
Stop filariasis now
do the right thing to save the next generation
The Leprosy Programme and Transmission Assessment (LPTA) is an activity that is carried out by internal teams towards the end of Phase 1 (see Leprosy Elimination Framework in the Annex) when a subnational jurisdiction (typically second-tier) reaches the milestone for interruption of transmission, i....e., zero autochthonous child cases for a consecutive period of five years. It also needs to be done at the end of Phase 2, when the second milestone of elimination of leprosy disease has been reached. An LPTA will be carried out to document that all relevant programme criteria have been met and examine trends of epidemiological indicators in such jurisdiction to confirm that the milestone has been achieved. The LPTA includes assessment of health facilities that provide leprosy services. LPTA comprises of review of epidemiological data, health facility assessment and data validation and verification of the programme criteria through observation during a field visit. The evidence collected in this way in subnational health administrative units is compiled in a Leprosy Elimination Dossier to be submitted to WHO when the country reaches the milestone for elimination of disease in the country as whole. Countries that have not detected any new leprosy cases in the past three years or more can use the LPTA at national level prior to or as part of the verification process. Countries likely to be among the first to apply for verification may have had no new cases detected for more than 10 years.
Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a preventable neglected tropical disease (NTD) caused by infection with the filarial parasites Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi or B. timori. Mosquitos in the genera Culex, Anopheles, Mansonia and Aedes transmit the parasites from person to person. Lymphoedema and hyd...rocoele are the visible, chronic clinical consequences of the impairment of lymphatic vessels caused by infection with these parasites. WHO established the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) to stop transmission of infection by mass drug administration (MDA) of anthelminthics and to alleviate the suffering of people affected by the disease through morbidity management and disability prevention (MMDP). Since the start of GPELF, the number of infections has been reduced by 74% globally. The latest estimate is that 51.4 million people are infected.
A Manual for Medical Officer
Developed under the Government of India – WHO Collaborative Programme 2008-2009
Accessed: 11.03.2019
Le programme de Participation Communautaire pour la Santé Reproductive et Sexuelle des Jeunes au Burkina se fonde sur la conviction que pour mieux contribuer à la résolution des problèmes des jeunes, l’élaboration et la mise en ouvre des programmes doivent se faire de sorte que ce soient les ...jeunes eux-mêmes qui soient les principaux acteurs, avec l’appui des adultes. Ainsi les jeunes ne devraient plus être considérés tout simplement comme des cibles vers lesquelles il faut développer des interventions ; mais plutôt des partenaires par qui et pour qui les programmes doivent être développés.
Un suivi et une évaluation efficaces sont nécessaires pour atteindre l’objectif d’élimination de la filariose lymphatique (FL). Après le traitement médicamenteux de masse (TMM) conformément aux lignes directrices élaborées par l’OMS, des programmes doivent être mis en œuvre afin de d...éterminer si les interventions ont permis de réduire la prévalence de l’infestation à un niveau en deçà duquel sa transmission ne pourra vraisemblablement pas perdurer. L’enquête d’évaluation
de la transmission (TAS) a été conçue de manière à offrir une structure simple et robuste afin de déterminer si la prévalence de la filariose lymphatique chez des enfants de 6–7 ans est inférieure à un seuil préalablement déterminé. Le TAS fournit aux administrateurs de programmes les informations factuelles nécessaires pour décider de l’opportunité d’arrêter le TMM. Le TAS garantit aux pouvoirs publics que les programmes nationaux ont atteint leur objectif d’élimination de la FL.
Ce guide a été conçu pour enseigner aux membres du personnel des programmes nationaux d’élimination de la FL, notamment le personnel de santé aux niveaux régional et de district, les éléments essentiels des programmes nationaux de suivi et d’évaluation pour l’élimination de la FL. Le guide est axé sur la planification et la mise en œuvre du TAS afin de pouvoir décider de l’opportunité
d’interrompre le TMM et de commencer la surveillance post-TMM.
Evaluation report
December 2014