Rev Méd Hondur, Vol 88, Núm 2, 202
This joint ECDC-European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) document aims to support Member States in determining a coordinated approach to reduce the risks related to the movement of people by air within and between the EU/EEA countries and the UK in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, noting the impact of quarantine and testing is likely to vary according to levels of ongoing community transmission, and in the context of ECDC’s current advice that non-essential travel should be avoided during the end-of year festive period
Flow chart for the care of symptomatic-respiratory patients suspected of COVID-19
This document aims to support public health preparedness planning and response activities on the safe handling of bodies of deceased persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19: at the site of death, during transport, storage and preparation before burial/cremation, and during burial/cremation.
Prevenir la contaminación de superficies y mantener condiciones adecuadas de limpieza y desinfección en los espacios públicos, es fundamental para mitigar la transmisión del virus y proteger la salud de los trabajadores y del público en general. Las superficies con alta frecuencia de contacto (...manijas de puertas, barandillas, mesas de comedor, etc.) requieren de especial atención para evitar contaminación a partir de las mismas
A module from the suite of health service capacity assessments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Interim Guidance 20 October 2020.
This self-assessment tool is designed for acute health-care facilities (i.e. tertiary and secondary) but can be modified for the use in long-term care facilities..., to help identify, prioritize and address the gaps in infection prevention and control (IPC) capacity in managing their response to COVID-19. The tool should be used by IPC professionals and/or those responsible for disaster planning or outbreak management in the facility (such as the response to the COVID-19 outbreak) at the start of the improvement process. A sample workplan template is provided to address gaps identified and record required actions.
Este documento brinda orientaciones y directrices técnicas para mantener las acciones para la prevención y control de la tuberculosis (TB), ante la coyuntura que representa la pandemia del COVID-19 en Colombia, de conformidad con las directrices y recomendaciones emitidas por la Organización Mund...ial de la Salud (OMS), Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) y demás organismos internacionales, que generan recomendaciones en la respuesta integrada a estos eventos de alto impacto para la salud pública. Estas recomendaciones están dirigidas a los diferentes agentes del sistema de salud tales como: entidades territoriales del orden departamental, municipal y distrital, empresas administradoras de planes de beneficios, prestadores de servicios de salud, trabajadores de la salud, agentes comunitarios y demás implicados en las acciones para la prevención y control de la tuberculosis y el COVID-19.
Marzo 2020First Aid Guide
Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support for first responders SARS CoV-2 / COVID-19
Versión 1.2 13-07-2020 .
La finalidad de los siguientes lineamientos del protocolo, es presentar las medidas adicionales que se pueden adoptar para preservar la integridad de la cadena alimentaria y garantizar el acceso de los consumidores a alimentos que satisfagan susnecesidades, sin poner en ri...esgo su salud.
Al mismo tiempo optimizar y extender las medidas de bioseguridad implementadas por las industrias del sector para proteger la salud de los trabajadores. (Guidelines for Prevention COVID-19 and Food Safety)
Consensual Recommendation for treatment of COVID-19 in older adults
Consensual recommendations for outpatient management and home care
and home treatment of patients with COVID-19
Strengthening of vaccination interventions during and post-Health Emergency by SARS-CoV-2
General Objective
To strengthen vaccination interventions in the territory, during the COVID-19 health emergency, in order to emergency due to COVID-19, in order to prevent the reintroduction and maintain co...ntrol of the Immunopreventable diseases.
Recommendations for the management of oncology patients during the SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 pandemic
Protocol for the use of rapid tests for the detection of antibodies against SARS - COV-2/COVID-19
Active Community Policy Strategy - Containment, mitigation and recovery plan on post-confinement in response to COVID-19
Protocol for the management of specialized centres for the treatment of people with alcohol and other drug abuse problems (CETAD) in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. Version 1.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19
Checklist for risk and impact management of pandemics of COVID-19
Technical Guidelines for Palliative Care Management
during the COVID-19 pandemic