Natural disasters often increase morbidity and mortality rates. Taking appropriate measures to maintain environmental health helps to reduce or eliminate the risks of preventable disease and death. Such measures contribute not only to the health of individuals in and near disaster-stricken areas, bu...t they also contribute to decreasing the high costs of providing emergency health services in the aftermath of disaster.
This document is divided into several parts. The first section primarily addresses the effects of natural disasters on environmental health conditions and services. In the second section, environmental health measures are described that should be undertaken in each of three time frames: the predisaster, disaster, and postdisaster periods.
Report of a World Health Organization and International Diabetes Federation meeting
Document on key points needed to design, manage, deliver and evaluate training
You can also find a spanish and french version here:
Brief review of selected topics
The following pages provide a focus on selected areas in relation to neurology. The specialists who contributed the reviews are listed in the Project Team and Partners
Neurology Atlas (2004)
Despre TBC, profilaxie şi tratament
Vaccinarea: cel mai sigur mod de a-ţi proteja sănătatea
Learning from earthquake relief and recovery operations
Le développement et la performance de tous les secteurs vitaux passent par l’élaboration de politique et de stratégies cohérentes et pertinentes. En effet, pour éviter à notre pays de souffrir d’un malaise profond et multiforme qui se traduirait par une détérioration de la qualité de vi...e alors que les béninois aspirent fondamentalement au bien-être social, individuel et collectif, le gouvernement du Bénin a, dans une vision prospective, souhaité que tous les secteurs vitaux s’inscrivent dans la vision "Bénin ALAFIA 2025 "