Общие цели
1. Распространить информацию о ходе подготовки, в том числе о потенциале в области реагирования и планах и процедурах реагирования в целях выявления за...озных случаев COVID-19 в вашей стране и принятия ответных мер.
2. Определить сферы взаимозависимости субъектов сектора здравоохранения и других секторов.
3. Провести анализ недостатков с опорой на предложенные ВОЗ сравнительные показатели оперативной готовности к COVID-19.
4. Разработать план действий по повышению уровня готовности на основании сравнительных показателей ВОЗ.
Venezuela’s government announced on 24 March that COVID-19 infections had reached 91... “The government says wear masks, wash your hands often, and stay inside,” Gomez said. “But we don’t have water, we often don’t have electricity, and there are no masks.”...
[President] Maduro den...ies there are shortages in Venezuela, insisting in a national broadcast on 16 March that hospitals have all the mandatory equipment.
There is no news about when health workers will receive biosecurity equipment, which Maduro said was being shipped by China along with thousands of test kits.
He also claimed the country’s collapsed pharmaceutical industry would be able to produce both a treatment and a cure for coronavirus – neither of which exist.
He recommended to the nation a homemade “cure” promoted by one Venezuelan, one “given to us by our ancestors: pepper, lemon grass, honey and ginger”.
Although the World Health Organisation advises that only people suffering respiratory problems should wear masks, Maduro decreed: “No one can walk the streets without a mask.”
Il Coronavirus1 si sta diffondendo a livello globale. In che modo possono persone, comunità ed agenzie umanitarie fornire un’assistenza efficace durante l’epidemia di COVID-19? In che modo può il manuale Sphere guidare il nostro intervento?
Questo documento si compone di due sezioni: A. La... prima sezione presenta i principi fondamentali che sono alla base di un intervento olistico ed efficace. B. La seconda presenta gli standard e le linee guida pertinenti contenuti nei capitoli ‘Approvvigionamento idrico, servizi sanitari e sensibilizzazione all’igiene (WASH)’ e ‘Salute’ del manuale Sphere.
Rapporto ISS COVID-19, n. 3/2020
Gruppo di Lavoro ISS Ambiente e Gestione dei Rifiuti
aggiornato al 14 marzo 2020
Rapporto ISS COVID-19, n. 4/2020
Gruppo di Lavoro ISS Prevenzione e Controllo delle Infezioni
aggiornato al 16 marzo 2020
Epidemiologische Lage
Grundsätze für die Hausärztliche Praxis
Organisatorische Hinweise
Mögliche Optionen zur Entlastung der Praxis
Klinische Hinweise zur Behandlung von Covid-19-Fällen
Weitere Informationen
Cómo pueden los niños luchar contra la COVID-19!
Was Kinder gegen COVID-19 tun können!
The British Psychological Society has convened a number of task forces to summarise advice and guidance around the psychology of COVID-19. This includes groups looking at public mental health, bereavement, staff wellbeing, behavioural science and disease prevention and others.
They are U.K. centri...c but might be a good starting place for psychology related health information.
A la suite de l’annonce de la confirmation de deux premiers cas de COVID-19 en Haïti le 19 mars par le Ministère de la santé, le gouvernement a entrepris des mesures telles que la réduction des heures de travail, la fermeture des frontières Haïtiano-dominicaines pour le transport de personne...s (le transport de marchandises est maintenu) ou la fermeture des usines textiles et des écoles. Certains marchés ont vu une augmentation massive de la clientèle, qui dans certains cas s’est traduite par une augmentation modérée à importante des prix entre le 17 et le 24 mars, allant jusqu’à 28 % d’augmentation pour le pois noir au Cap-Haïtien.
Orientations provisoires
1er avril 2020
Les États Membres doivent améliorer les pratiques d’hygiène des mains de manière ambitieuse afin d’aider à prévenir la transmission du virus de la COVID-19 :
1. en fournissant un accès universel à des postes publics d’hygiène des mains et ...en rendant leur utilisation obligatoire à l’entrée et à la sortie de tout bâtiment commercial public ou privé et de tout lieu de transport public ;
2. en améliorant l’accès aux installations et aux pratiques d’hygiène des mains dans les établissements de santé.
This music video, subtitled in English, shows children following COVID-19 prevention practices, especially covering their mouths/faces when sneezing or coughing.
Prinzipiell werden Atemschutzmasken seit Jahren als Einwegprodukte in Verkehr gebracht und nach Benutzung nicht aufbereitet. Der im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie auftretende Mangel an Atemschutzmasken zwingt gegenwärtig viele Gesundheitseinrichtungen, diese Artikel mehrfach zu verwenden.
Este documento resume as orientações provisórias da OMS para a vigilância global de novas infecções pelo coronavírus 2019-nCoV (COVID-19). A OMS continuará atualizando essas orientações à medida que novas informações sobre 2019-nCoV estiverem disponíveis. Este documento fornece orienta...ções aos Estados-Membros sobre a implementação da vigilância global de 2019-nCoV.
Oferecer atendimento de saúde especializado para o tratamento de pacientes críticos com síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SRAG), encaminhados principalmente de unidades de saúde onde a capacidade das unidades de terapia intensiva tem sido sobrecarregada pelo alto volume de pacientes. A estrutu...ra flexível de uma Equipe de Saúde de Emergência para SRAG também permite a configuração de leitos para tartar pacientes gravemente doentes que precisem de oxigenoterapia. PRINCIPAIS CARACTERÍSTICAS: Equipes de Saúde de Emergência para SRAG utilizam estruturas portáteis que variam de tendas a contêineres. Eles também podem ser implantados dentro de estruturas fechadas alternativas usando módulos pré-fabricados. Unidades de Saúde de Emergência para SRAG podem oferecer até 30 leitos para pacientes críticos ou gravemente doentes (10 leitos para casos críticos com suspeita de COVID-19, 10 leitos para casos críticos com COVID-19 confirmada, e 10 leitos para casos graves). Unidades de Saúde de Emergência para SRAG possuem um centro de comando para a coordenação das operações do dia a dia. Esse é um sistema modular que pode ser expandido conforme necessário, adicionando unidades de 10 leitos, o que aumenta sua resposta conforme as necessidades e os recursos existentes.
Screening areas, treatment centres and community facilities are part of the strategic priorities for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) outbreak preparedness, readiness and response. The SARI Facilities training package has been developed to meet the operational needs emerging with the COVID-...19 pandemic.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten health and food systems around the world, the 2020 Global Nutrition Report calls on governments, businesses and civil society to step up efforts to address malnutrition in all its forms.
This short guide is designed to assist development and humanitarian agencies to think through how risk communication and community engagement activity related to Covid-19 can be carried out without face-to-face interaction with communities. By using remote methods, agencies will be able to safeguard... the health of their own and their partners’ staff and volunteers, while still ensuring that communities receive accurate, up-to-date information as well as having access to communication channels which allow them to provide feedback and share their concerns and worries.
COVID-19 epidemic in Yemen
COVID-19 is thought to be widespread although the actual situation is unclear due to limited reporting and a fear, in Houthi-controlled areas, of seeking medical help. At least 50 people displaying COVID-like symptoms are dying each day. The probability of a high number... of cases, on top of a seasonal rise in endemic diseases, overwhelming the struggling health services, and high mortality has increased to high/very high. Only around three hospitals in each governorate are accepting COVID-19 cases.
Recomendaciones elaboradas por el Ministerio de Salud, a través del Departamento de Ciclo Vital, a través de la División de Prevención y Control de Enfermedades.
El documento que se presenta a continuación, complementa a: “Estrategia Residencias Sanitarias, recomendaciones para la implementa...ción en el marco del plan de acción coronavirus COVID-19”.