Q10: For carers of people with dementia, does respite care when compared to care as usual, produce benefits/harm in the specified outcomes?
Q5: For people with dementia, which cognitive/psychosocial interventions (such as cognitive stimulation, cognitive rehabilitation, reality orientation, reminiscence therapy) when compared to placebo/comparator produce benefits/harm in the specified outcomes?
Q6: Can dementia be diagnosed at first or second level care by non-specialist health care providers? What should be the assessment process for the diagnosis of dementia?
Q9. In adults and children with convulsive epilepsy in remission, when should treatment be discontinued?
Q12: Should the treatment be similar in individuals with intellectual disability and epilepsy compared to people with epilepsy only?
Q9: For carers of people with dementia, do interventions (psychoeducational, cognitive-behavioural therapy counseling/case management, general support, training of caregivers, multi-component interventions and miscellaneous interventions) when compared to placebo/comparator, produce benefits/harm in... the specified outcomes?
Q8: For people with dementia, what is the role of a medical review (including comorbid physical and mental conditions and medication use)?
Q7: For people with dementia, who should be told of the diagnosis and how should the diagnosis be delivered?
Q3: For behavioural and psychological symptoms in people with dementia, do following drugs, when compared to placebo/comparator, produce benefits/harm in the specified outcomes?
Q 10: In adults and children with epilepsy, which psychological interventions used as adjunctive therapies with antiepileptic drugs when compared to placebo/comparator produce benefits/harm in specified outcomes?
Q6: What is the added advantage of doing neuroimaging in people with convulsive epilepsy in non-specialist settings in low and middle income countries?
Q8. Should Anti-Epileptic Drug (AED) treatment be started after first unprovoked seizure in non-specialist health settings?
Q4: Can convulsive epilepsy be diagnosed at first level care by a non-specialist health care provider in low and middle income country settings?
Q11: 11a). In women with epilepsy, should antiepileptic therapy be prescribed as monotherapy or polytherapy to decrease the risk of fetal malformations?
11b). Does the use of folic acid preconceptually decrease the risk of foetal malformations in women with epilepsy?
11c). Do phenytoin, phenobarbi...tal, valproic acid or carbamazepine enter breast milk in quantities which are clinically significant to the baby?
Evaluation of Norwegian support to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, Uganda country study – Summary
This guide is an introduction on how to integrate logistics management information systems (LMIS) with geographic information systems (GIS). It covers the value of integrating these two systems, the steps in assessing if it is currently viable to link the systems, how to set the linkage, the process...es for using LMIS within a GIS platform, and finally how to sustain the linkage. The aim of this guide is to assist logistics managers, decisionmakers and technical experts in understanding the value of integrating GIS and of the process involved in integrating these two systems.
Esta guía operativa se basa en las mejores prácticas y ejemplos ilustrativos de ciudades y pueblos donde la Agencia de Refugiados de la ONU (ACNUR) trabaja actualmente con refugiados en zonas urbanas. El papel del ACNUR en el ámbito de la salud pública es más complejo y menos definido en contex...tos estatales, privados y organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) locales e internacionales. El objetivo del ACNUR en las zonas urbanas es que los refugiados accedan a servicios de salud de calidad a un nivel similar al de los nacionales. El papel principal el ACNUR en las zonas urbanas es promover y facilitar que los servicios de salud de calidad estén disponibles para los refugiados y que puedan acceder a ellos.