Le présent document est une mise à jour du document d’information scientifique publié le 29 mars 2020 intitulé Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19: implications for infection prevention and control (IPC) precaution recommendations et comprend les nouvelles don...nées scientifiques disponibles sur la transmission du SARS-COV-2, le virus responsable de la COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic poses an additional and critical challenge in a fragile humanitarian context, where the population is already highly vulnerable and lives in often overcrowded settlements where distancing is impossible, and with limited access to basic health services and hygiene. Further sprea...d of COVID-19 in the EHoA region will burden the already complex humanitarian situation with devastating consequences.
Depuis que le COVID-19a été confirmé au Tchad le 19 mars et les premiers cas de transmissions communautaires, les autorités tchadiennes ont pris des mesures de prévention et de réponse qui ont des conséquences sur le contexte et la nature des opérations humanitaires. Ainsi, u...n ajustement des plans, des cibles et des besoins financiersdes clusterss’est révélé opportunpour répondre non seulement à la crise sanitaire mais aussi aux impacts indirects de la pandémie sur la situation de million de personnesdéjà ciblées par l’aide humanitaire avant l’apparition du COVID.
In the context of an unprecedented event such as the COVID-19 pandemic, at present, the effectiveness of stringent social distancing and international traffic-related measures in decreasing the rate of spread of SARS-CoV-2, and related mortality, is inferred from empiric observations of their applic...ation in countries experiencing different transmission scenarios (e.g., Australia, China, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, and Spain). Such observations are consistent with and corroborated by mathematical models.
Immunization in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: frequently asked questions (FAQ), 16 April 2020 ترافق ھذه الأسئلة المتكررةالمبادئالتوجیھیة الخاصة بأنشطة التمنیع أثناء جائحةكوفید-19الصادرة عن... منظمة الصحة العالمیة.1و ، حّن قُس تحسب الاقتضاء، وفقا لتطور جائحة كوفید-19.التمنیع ھو خدمة من الخدمات ال صحیة الأساسیة التي تحمي الأفراد ضین لّالمعرلأمراض التي یمكن الوقایة منھاباللقاحات.2وبفضلتوفیر التمنیعللأفراد والمجتمعات المحلیة في الوقت المناسب ،سّی ظ لونمحمیین،م م ا سیؤدي إلى انخفاض احتمالوقوع فاشیات الأمراض التي یمكن الوقایة منھا باللقاحات. وعلاوة على أن تلافيحدوثفاشیات الأمراض التي یمكن الوقایة منھا باللقاحاتیؤدي إلى إنقاذالأرواح، فإنھ یتطلب موارد أقل من تلك التي تتطلبھا الاستجابة للفاشیة، كما أنھیساعد على تخفیفالعبء الملقى على نظام صحي مرھق أصلا نتیجة جائحة كوفید-19.وبینما تلتزم البلدان بالحفاظ على نظم التمنیع ،ینبغي لھا أن تتبعالھ ج ُنا ل ت ي تحترم مبدأ عدم إلحاق الأذى وا ل ت ي تحد من انتقالمرض كوفید-19عند اضطلاعھا بأنشطة التمنیع. وا ًیمكن أیضاغتنام الفرص التي تتیحھا زیارات التمنیعّلنشر رسائل تشجع ي الّعلى تبنسلوكیات التي تحد من مخاطر انتقال عدوى الفیروس المسبب لمرض كوفید-19 ،والتعرف علىعلامات مرض كوفید-19وأعراضھ، وتقدیم إرشادات بشأنالتدابیر الواجب اتخاذھا في حال ظھور الأعراض
O uso de uma máscara facial CORRETAMENTE, além de boas práticas de higiene das mãos e distanciamento físico, pode ajudar a evitar a propagação do #COVID19 a outras pessoas.
The arrival of COVID-19 in Afghanistan has brought heartache to millions of people who are now battling a deadly pandemic while simultaneously fighting for their survival amid poverty, disaster and war. Over my three years as Humanitarian Coordinator, I have marvelled at the resilience of the people... of this country to cope with the hardships of life in the world’s deadliest conflict – but even this remarkable strength is now being tested by the health, social and economic consequences of COVID-19. The virus is spreading across the country with frightening speed. Every province is now impacted, and people are understandably frightened.
COVID‑19 strategic preparedness and response
Le port d'un masque facial CORRECTEMENT, en plus de bonnes pratiques d'hygiène des mains et d'un éloignement physique, peut aider à prévenir la propagation de #COVID19 aux autres.
O uso de uma máscara facial CORRETAMENTE, além de boas práticas de higiene das mãos e distanciamento físico, pode ajudar a evitar a propagação do #COVID19 a outras pessoas.
Le port d'un masque facial CORRECTEMENT, en plus de bonnes pratiques d'hygiène des mains et d'un éloignement physique, peut aider à prévenir la propagation de #COVID19 aux autres.
Practical considerations and recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19
Religious leaders, faith...-based organizations, and faith communities can play a major role in saving lives and reducing illness related to COVID-19.1 They are a primary source of support, comfort, guidance, and direct health care and social service, for the communities they serve. Religious leaders of faith-based organizations and communities of faith can share health information to protect their own members and wider communities, which may be more likely to be accepted than from other sources. They can provide pastoral and spiritual support during public health emergencies and other health challenges and can advocate for the needs of vulnerable populations.
Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) was declared a global pandemic on 11 March 2020, and Malawi declared its first case on 2 April. As of 30 April, there were 36 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and 3 deaths. A State of Disaster was declared by President Arthur Peter Mutharika on 20 March and a 21...-day lockdown was implemented from 18 April to 9 May. The lockdown measures include: bans on public gatherings; closure of schools; and bans on international flights and cross-border passenger buses.
This document provides brief information answering common questions regarding COVID-19 diagnostic tests and how to prioritize them to the patients most in need.
April 15, 2020
COVideo19 is an initiative led by students and faculty at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health aimed at disseminating science-based information about COVID19. We want to make it easy for you and your loved ones to learn how to stay safe during this pandemic that has ...cost so many lives around the world.
In addition to the ongoing humanitarian emergencies in the country, the COVID-19 pandemic poses a potential monumental social and economic threat to Nigeria, with a devastating knock on effect for the most vulnerable population in the BAY states who have endured a decade of conflict. The UN system i...n Nigeria launched a One UN Response Plan to COVID-19 to support the rapid implementation of the Government’s National COVID-19 Multi-Sectoral Pandemic Response Plan and will continue to support strong coordination and coherence with all stakeholders responding to the pandemic.
April 2020
This document explains the scope of the logistics services provided by the National Logistics Cluster, in support of the COVID-19 response in Nepal, how humanitarian actors and Nepal Government may access these services, and the conditions under which these services will be provided. T...he objective of the transport and storage services is to support humanitarian organisations and Government to establish a supply chain of medicines, medical goods and medical equipment mandated by the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) for Prevention of COVID-19transmission, control and treatment to the hospitals and primary healthcare facilities.
Briefing note | 16 March 2020
Do no harm, equality, transparency, humanity: values should guide the criminal justice sector’s response to coronavirus
At the time of publishing there were more than 164,000* confirmed cases of COVID- 19, the novel form of Coronavirus, affecting 110 countries wi...th more than 6,470 deaths. In this briefing we assess the current situation of COVID-19 outbreaks and prevention measures in prisons** and wider impacts of responses to governments on people in criminal justice systems. This briefing note argues for action to be taken now and immediately, given the risk people in prison are exposed to, including prison staff.
Briefing note | 16 March 2020
Do no harm, equality, transparency, humanity: values should guide the criminal justice sector’s response to coronavirus
At the time of publishing there were more than 164,000* confirmed cases of COVID- 19, the novel form of Coronavirus, affecting 110 countries wit...h more than 6,470 deaths. In this briefing we assess the current situation of COVID-19 outbreaks and prevention measures in prisons** and wider impacts of responses to governments on people in criminal justice systems. This briefing note argues for action to be taken now and immediately, given the risk people in prison are exposed to, including prison staff.
Bildiri notu | 16 Mart 2020
Zarar vermeme ilkesi, eşitlik, şeffaflık, insanlık: değerler ceza adalet sektörünün korona virüse yanıtını yönlendirmelidir
Bu metin yayınladığı sırada 164.000*’den fazla onaylanmış vakasının olduğu COVID-19 korona virüsü dünya çapında 11...0 ülkeyi etkisi altına almış ve 6,470 kişinin hayatını kaybetmesine yol açmıştır. Bu bildiri notunda, COVID-19 salgınının mevcut durumunu, hapishanelerde** alınan tedbirleri ve hükümetlere sunulan öneriler ile ceza infaz sisteminde var olan insanlar üzerindeki daha geniş etkilerini değerlendirmekteyiz. Bu metin hapishane personeli de dahil olmak üzere, cezaevindeki kişilerin karşı karşıya kaldığı risk göz önüne alındığında, hemen harekete geçilmesi gerektiğini savunmaktadır.