Schistosoma haematobium] [Schistosoma intercalatum] [Schistosoma japonicum] [Schistosoma mansoni] [Schistosoma mekongi]
Website accessed Feb. 6, 2025
Praziquantel is effective at treating infections with all major Schistosoma species.
The CDC Self-Study Modules on Tuberculosis are a series of nine educational modules divided into two courses. The first course (Modules 1–5) provides fundamental information about tuberculosis, while the second course (Modules 6–9) offers more specific program-related details. These modules are ...designed for healthcare providers and other professionals who want to expand their knowledge of tuberculosis through self-study.
The modules cover topics such as transmission, pathogenesis, epidemiology, targeted testing, diagnosis, treatment, infection control, patient management, patient rights, contact investigations, and outbreak response. Some modules also offer the opportunity to earn continuing education credits.
Le document est un guide de poche pour établir et gérer un Centre de Traitement du Choléra (CTC). Il fournit des directives pour choisir l’emplacement, classer les patients selon la gravité de leur déshydratation, mettre en œuvre des mesures de contrôle des infections et garantir un approvi...sionnement adéquat en matériel médical. Le guide met l’accent sur l’importance de maintenir l’hygiène, de gérer correctement les déchets et d’assurer la sécurité, tout en offrant des protocoles détaillés pour traiter les cas modérés et graves de choléra. Il est conçu pour soutenir les professionnels de santé dans la gestion efficace des épidémies de choléra.
El documento es una guía de bolsillo para establecer y operar un Centro de Tratamiento de Cólera (CTC). Proporciona pautas para seleccionar la ubicación, clasificar a los pacientes según la gravedad de la deshidratación, implementar medidas de control de infecciones y garantizar el suministro a...decuado de materiales médicos. La guía enfatiza la importancia de mantener la higiene, gestionar adecuadamente los desechos y garantizar la seguridad, al tiempo que ofrece protocolos detallados para tratar casos moderados y graves de cólera. Está diseñada para apoyar a los trabajadores de la salud en la gestión eficiente de los brotes de cólera.
Le document fournit des directives détaillées pour le diagnostic et la gestion des cas de choléra, en mettant l'accent sur la thérapie de réhydratation et la prévention des décès liés à la déshydratation. Il décrit l'utilisation de solutions de réhydratation orale (SRO), de fluides intr...aveineux pour les cas de déshydratation sévère, et d'antibiotiques appropriés pour les cas graves. Le guide insiste également sur l'importance de l'hygiène, de l'utilisation d'eau potable et du suivi de la récupération des patients pour contrôler efficacement les épidémies de choléra. Il est conçu comme une ressource pratique pour les travailleurs de la santé et les responsables de la santé publique.
Clinical Presentation and Management for Haiti Cholera Outbreak, 2010
The document provides detailed guidelines for diagnosing and managing cholera cases, with a focus on rehydration therapy and preventing dehydration-related fatalities. It outlines the use of oral rehydration salts (ORS), intrav...enous fluids for severe dehydration, and appropriate antibiotics for severe cases. The guide also emphasizes the importance of hygiene, safe water usage, and monitoring patient recovery to effectively control cholera outbreaks. It is designed as a practical resource for healthcare workers and public health officials.
Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease that is found in parts of the tropics, subtropics, and southern Europe. Leishmaniasis is caused by infection with Leishmania parasites, which are spread by the bite of infected sand flies. There are several different forms of leishmaniasis in people. The most com...mon forms are cutaneous leishmaniasis, which causes skin sores, and visceral leishmaniasis, which affects several internal organs (usually spleen, liver, and bone marrow).
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Course is designed to increase knowledge and develop competency in the management of patients suspected of infection with dengue virus.
La enfermedad de Chagas, también conocida como tripanosomiasis americana, es causada por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi. La forma más común de contraer la infección es a través del contacto con las heces de un insecto triatominio (conocido con los nombres de chinche besucona, benchuca, vinchuca..., chipo o barbeiro), el cual se alimenta de la sangre de seres humanos y animales.
The document titled "Fason pou Gen Laviktwa sou Kolera" (How to Achieve Victory over Cholera) provides comprehensive guidelines on the clinical presentation and management of cholera, particularly in the context of the 2010 Haiti outbreak. It emphasizes rapid rehydration as a lifesaving measure, det...ailing protocols for both oral rehydration solutions (ORS) and intravenous (IV) fluids. The document outlines appropriate antibiotic treatments based on patient categories, underscores the importance of proper sanitation, and offers strategies for effective outbreak control. Additionally, it provides guidance on recognizing severe dehydration and the necessity of immediate medical intervention to reduce mortality associated with cholera.
The CDC document "How to make oral rehydration solution (ORS)" provides clear, step-by-step instructions for preparing and using ORS to treat dehydration caused by diarrhea. It emphasizes the importance of using clean water, salt, and sugar in precise proportions to create the solution. The document... is particularly relevant in emergency settings, such as during cholera outbreaks or in areas with limited medical resources, like Haiti. It highlights the effectiveness of ORS in saving lives by rehydrating individuals suffering from severe diarrhea and encourages its use as a simple, accessible treatment method.
The CDC document outlines five essential steps for preventing cholera. It emphasizes the importance of using treated water for drinking and food preparation, washing hands thoroughly with soap and safe water, cooking food thoroughly and consuming it while hot, using latrines or properly burying to avoid open defecation, and cleaning and disinfecting areas contaminated with feces using a solution of one part household bleach to nine parts water. These measures are critical to controlling and preventing the spread of cholera, especially in areas affected by outbreaks.
The CDC document titled "KOLERA: Senk (5) Etap Debaz Yo Pou Prevansyon" outlines five essential steps for preventing cholera. It emphasizes the importance of using treated water for drinking and food preparation, washing hands thoroughly with soap and safe water, cooking food thoroughly and consumin...g it while hot, using latrines or properly burying feces to avoid open defecation, and cleaning and disinfecting areas contaminated with feces using a solution of one part household bleach to nine parts water. These measures are critical to controlling and preventing the spread of cholera, especially in areas affected by outbreaks.
Después de un desastre o una emergencia, es posible que el agua de la llave no sea segura. Preste atención siempre a los consejos especíÿcos de las autoridades locales. Use agua embotellada para beber, cocinar y cepillarse los dientes si es posible. Si no hay disponible agua embotellada, use uno... de los siguientes métodos para hacer que el agua sea segura.