This is a case-ascertained prospective investigation of all identified health care contacts working in a health care facility in which a laboratory confirmed 2019-nCoV infected patient (see 2.2 Study population) receives care. Note that this study can be done in health care facilities at all 3 level...s of a health system – not just in hospitals. It is intended to provide epidemiological and serologic information which will inform the identification of risk factors 2019-nCoV infection among health care workers.
There are three primary objectives of this investigation among health care workers in a health care setting where a 2019-nCoV infected patient is being cared for:
To better understand the extent of human-to-human transmission among health care workers, by estimating the secondary infection rate1 for health care worker contacts at an individual level.
To characterize the range of clinical presentation of infection and the risk factors for infection among health care workers.
To evaluate effectiveness of infection prevention and control measures among health care workers
To evaluate effectiveness of infection prevention and control programmes at health facility and national level
The goal of this assessment is to determine how far USAID/Senegal’s HIV/AIDS and TB programs have achieved their specific objectives with regard to identifying potential leads for improvement that are likely to make it easier to reach the planned results. After responding to the issues developed i...n various themes of the assessment, the results are placed in context and specific conclusions to each component are provided. The assessment also identifies the lessons learned from USAID/Senegal’s HIV/AIDS and TB programs and provides recommendations for future intervention.
The 2007 Rwanda Service Provision Assessment (RSPA) was a national representative survey conducted in 538 health facilities throughout Rwanda. The survey covered hospitals, health centers, dispensaries and
health posts, including all public facilities such as government and government-assisted facilities. The 2007 RSPA used interviews with health service providers and clients and observations of provider client consultations to obtain information on the capacity of facilities to provide quality services and the existence of functioning systems to support quality services. The areas addressed were the overall facility
infrastructure, maternal and child health, reproductive health, tuberculosis, malaria services; and services for sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS. The objective was to assess the strengths and
weaknesses of the infrastructure and systems supporting these services, and to assess the adherence to standards in the delivery of services.
This guidance document includes background information on Ebola virus disease, Ebola emergency committee recommendations, risks for different groups, and information for travellers from and to affected countries.
This document provides a generic model that can be used for risk assessment of exposure to insecticide products applied as indoor residual sprays. It aims to harmonize the risk assessment of such insecticides for public health use in order to generate comparable data for their registering and by national regulatory authorities. The assessment considers both adults and children (all age groups) as well as people in the following specific categories:
- those preparing the spray;
- those applying the spray;
- residents living in the treated houses;
- residents who participate in preparing and applying insecticides.
The Zithromax® Supply Chain Assessment Tool is designed to guide assessment team members through a series of interviews
with key informants and to establish inspection procedures when conducting logistics field assessments. The protocol allows
the assessment team to examine the readiness of the N...ational Trachoma Control Program and the District- level health
management structures to receive, manage, distribute and administer donated Zithromax® for mass drug administrati
The Zithromax® Supply Chain Assessment Tool is designed to guide assessment team members through a series of interviews
with key informants and to establish inspection procedures when conducting logistics field assessments. The protocol allows
the assessment team to examine the readiness of the N...ational Trachoma Control Program and the District- level health
management structures to receive, manage, distribute and administer donated Zithromax® for mass drug administrati
Capability and Performance
Services, Identified needs and recommendations following the April and May 2015 Earthquakes in Nepal
This publication provides guidance on reducing disability and premature deaths from coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease in people at high risk, who have not yet experienced a cardiovascular event.