Am Beispiel des Kontexts der Syrien- und Irakkrise
Das Positionspapier zeigt auf, was gute psychosoziale Arbeit mit Geflüchteten ausmacht und welche Risiken es zu berücksichtigen gilt. Es richtet sich an Akteur*innen aus dem MHPSS-Sektor, die im Kontext der Syrien- und Irakkrisen mit Flüchtlinge...n im Nahen Osten arbeiten sowie an Ministerien und wissenschaftliche Institutionen.
The report depicts the reality of forced displacement as a developing world crisis with implications for sustainable growth: 95 percent of the displaced live in developing countries and over half are in displacement for more than four years. To help the displaced, the report suggests ways to rebuild... their lives with dignity through development support, focusing on their vulnerabilities such as loss of assets and lack of legal rights and opportunities. It also examines how to help host communities that need to manage the sudden arrival of large numbers of displaced people, under pressure to expand services, create jobs and address long-standing development issues.
The message contained in this publication is clear: countries need a
public health system that can respond to the deliberate release of
chemical and biological agents. Regrettable though this message may
be, the use of poison gas in the war between Iraq and the Islamic
Republic of Iran in the 19...80s, the recent anthrax incidents in the United
States, and the attack with sarin nerve agent, six years earlier, on the
Tokyo underground, illustrate why it is necessary to prepare.
Russian and Japanese version available:
The standard operating procedures (SOP) for referral care cover all the refugee populations living in Lebanon. These SOPs outline the policies and procedures for referral care in Lebanon, including the limits in health assistance that can be provided.
January 2021. Save the Children urges governments and donors to take five urgent steps to ensure that children who were in school prior to COVID-19 closures can safely return:
Financial support for the world’s poorest families, so they can send their children to school and keep them healthy;
Catch-up classes for students who re-enter the formal education system;
Water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in schools, to make them COVID-19 safe for students, teachers and their families;
National back to school communications campaigns to inform communities that it is safe for children to return;
Effective training for teachers to keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This report is documenting the global incidence of attacks and threats against health workers, facilities, and transport around the world. The report cites 806 incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in 43 countries and territories in ongoing wars and violent conflicts in 2020, r...anging from the bombing of hospitals in Yemen to the abduction of doctors in Nigeria. Attacks -- including killings, kidnappings, and sexual assaults, as well as destruction and damage of health facilities and transports -- compounded the threats to health in every country as health systems struggled to prepare for and respond to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
À la suite des tremblements de terre dévastateurs qui ont frappé la Türkiye et la République arabe syrienne, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé a livré 72 tonnes de fournitures pour des soins de traumatologie et de chirurgie d’urgence, y compris des traitements, afin de soutenir les opé...rations en cours dans ces deux pays.
Un premier vol affrété a décollé pour la Türkiye le 9 février avec 37 tonnes de fournitures vitales à son bord et un deuxième vol doit livrer aujourd’hui 35 tonnes de fournitures à la République arabe syrienne.
Les fournitures vitales livrées grâce à ces deux vols serviront, au total, à traiter et à soigner 100 000 personnes et à réaliser 120 000 interventions chirurgicales urgentes dans les deux pays.
ستجابةً للهزات الأرضية المدمرة التي ضربت تركيا والجمهورية العربية السورية، أرسلت منظمة الصحة العالمية إلى البلدين المنكوبين 72 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات اللازمة لم...الجة الرضوح وإجراء العمليات الجراحية الطارئة، بما يشمل الأدوية، لدعم جهود الاستجابة الجارية.
وقد غادرت طائرة الإمدادات الأولى إلى تركيا في 9 شباط/فبراير حاملةً 37 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات المنقذة للأرواح، ومن المقرر أن تغادر الرحلة الثانية اليوم إلى الجمهورية العربية السورية وعلى متنها 35 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات