A companion to the Child Friendly Schools Manual
WASH in Schools aims to improve the health and learning performance of school-aged children – and, by extension, that of their families – by reducing the incidence of water and sanitation-related diseases. Every child friendly school r...equires appropriate WASH initiatives that keep the school environment clean and free of smells and inhibit the transmission of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.
This research aims to identify a core set of clinical skills for working in
a Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) setting, and to discuss whether they are appropriate for task shifting to a new or an alternative cadre of rehabilitation workers.
20-22 July 2015, Monrovia, Liberia
Lancet 2013; 381: 1405–16
Series: Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhoea no.1
2nd edition.
The tool kit provides learning objects and curricular content to support the competencies for those proficiency/trainee levels
An Action Framework and annexe to Immunization Agenda 2030 (Draft version)
27 January 2021
How to respond to Covid19 pandemic in West and Central Africa