The document is a visual guide created by the IPCRG for managing COPD, focusing on self-management, treatment options (such as inhaler use, pulmonary rehabilitation, and medications), and addressing comorbidities. It highlights the importance of personalized care plans, patient education, risk reduc...tion, vaccinations, and the correct use of therapies to improve quality of life and manage COPD effectively.
Extra Curricular Life Skills Training Manual For Adolescents 13 to 18 Years of Age
“Protecting Our Peers From HIV Infection”
The Youth Health and Development Programme Government of the Republic of Namibia and UNICEF Programme of Cooperation 1997-2001
November 1999
The WHF IASC Roadmap proposes strategies and evidence-based solutions for healthcare professionals, health authorities and governments to help overcome the barriers to comprehensive care for Chagas disease patients. This roadmap describes an ideal patient care pathway, and explores the roadblocks the way, offering potential solutions based on available research and examples in practice. It represents a call to action to decision-makers and health care professionals to step up efforts to eradicate Chagas disease.
GGGI Technical Guideline No. 2
This document serves to provide interim guidance/ recommendations to carry out mpox surveillance activities mainly case investigation, contact tracing and isolation. For the development of this document WHO, UKHSA and CDC guidelines were referred to and adopted within the country context.
An IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land
degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and
greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
COVID-19 e oxigênio: Os dados da China sugerem que embora a maioria das pessoas com COVID-19 tenham doença leve (40%) ou moderada (40%), cerca de 15% apresentam doença grave que requer oxigenoterapia, e 5% ficam em estado crítico e precisam de tratamento em uma unidade de terapia intensiva. Alé...m disso, a maioria dos pacientes críticos com COVID-19 precisará de ventilação mecânica.2,3 Por esses motivos, as unidades de saúde que tratam da COVID-19 devem estar equipadas com oxímetros de pulso, sistemas de oxigênio em funcionamento, incluindo interfaces de administração de oxigênio de uso único. A oxigenoterapia é recomendada para todos os pacientes graves e críticos com COVID-19, em doses baixas, variando de 1-2 L/min em crianças e começando com 5 L/min em adultos com cânula nasal, fluxos moderados para o uso em máscara de Venturi (6-10 L/min); ou fluxos mais altos (10-15 L/min) com o uso de uma máscara com bolsa reservatório. Além disso, o oxigênio pode ser administrado em fluxos mais altos e em concentrações maiores, usando uma cânula nasal de alto fluxo (CNAF)
Technical guidelines for testing for COVID-19 in the clinical laboratories of the National Integrated Health System.
This section provides general information on HCW and key elements of management procedures that are essential to know before developing a HCWM plan.
This portal holds a vast collection of guidelines, tools, papers and lessons learnt from across and beyond the ALNAP Membership which are relevant to responding to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The portal is updated on a regular basis and aims to include all resources published on our Member organi...sations’ webpages relevant to the planning, adaptation and delivery of humanitarian activities in response to COVID-19.