Informationen zu gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen sommerlicher Hitze und Hitzewellen und Tipps zum vorbeugenden Gesundheitsschutz
The Early Childhood Development Policy and its Strategic Plan seek to provide a framework to ensure such a holistic and integrated approach to the development of young children. International research has demonstrated the high economic returns on ECD investment and its positive impact on health and outcomes as well as the overall economic development of a nation. The implementation of the ECD Policy will thus provide Rwanda with the basis for achieving the objectives and goals of the EDPRS and Vision 2020.
Les vaccins sont conçus pour vous conférer une immunité sans les dangers d’avoir contracté la maladie. Il est courant de ressentir quelques effets indésirables légers à modérés après avoir reçu un vaccin. Ils sont dus au fait que votre système immunitaire demande à votre organisme d'a...ugmenter le flux sanguin afin que davantage de cellules immunitaires puissent circuler, et il élève votre température interne afin de tuer le virus. Les vaccins nous aident à nous protéger contre les maladies, et ressentir des effets indésirables légers ou modérés après avoir reçu un vaccin est un signe que ce vaccin et notre système immunitaire fonctionnent.
Since the re-emergence of monkeypox in Nigeria in September 2017, the Nigeria Centre
for Disease Control(NCDC) has continued to receive reports and respond to cases of the
disease from States across the country. Between September 2017 when the outbreak started and November 2018, about 300 suspecte...d cases had been reported from 26 out of 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory. The highest number of cases were reported from States in the South-South region of Nigeria. Monkeypox is a zoonotic orthopox virus, which presents in humans with symptoms such as fever, headache, body pain, malaise, lymphadenopathy (enlargement of glands),
sore throat and the typical generalised vesiculopustular rash. Transmission is via direct or
indirect contact with infected animals, human, or contaminated materials.
The document provides comprehensive guidelines for managing cholera outbreaks, including detection, confirmation, response, treatment, and prevention. It emphasizes the importance of rehydration, water sanitation, hygiene promotion, and community mobilization to limit the spread. This guide is desig...ned for healthcare professionals and public authorities to ensure an effective and coordinated response.
As new variants emerge people are wondering if they should wait until a more efficacious vaccine is available or if they should go ahead and get vaccinated now? Answering your questions on COVID-19 vaccines and variants in this episode of Science in 5 is WHO's Dr Soumya Swaminathan.
Orientations provisoires
26 mars 2020
Plusieurs pays ont montré qu’il était possible de ralentir voire de stopper la transmission interpersonnelle de la COVID-19. Les principales mesures pour arrêter la transmission sont le dépistage actif des cas, les soins et l’isolement, la recherche... des contacts et la quarantaine. L’OMS a publié des recommandations pour la surveillance mondiale de la COVID-19, qui donnent la définition des cas et des contacts pour la déclaration à l’OMS. En plus de la recherche active des cas et du dépistage, il est essentiel d’intensifier les activités de surveillance pour déterminer si la COVID-19 se transmet au sein de la communauté et pour suivre l’évolution de la transmission communautaire.
The Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed (CRHP), has been working among the rural poor and marginalized for the past 45 years. Founded in 1970 by Drs. Raj and Mabelle Arole to bring healthcare to the poorest of the poor, CRHP has become an organization that empowers people and communities to ...eliminate injustices through integrated efforts in health and development. CRHP works by mobilizing and building the capacity of communities to achieve access to comprehensive development and freedom from stigma, poverty, and disease. Pioneering a comprehensive approach to community-based primary healthcare (also known as the Jamkhed Model), CRHP has been a leader in public health and development in rural communities in India and around the world. At the core of this comprehensive community-based approach is its embrace of equity for all, utilizing healthcare as a means to break the cycle of poverty. The work of CRHP has been recognized by the WHO and UNICEF, and has been introduced to communities around the world.
accessed 23.07.2021
About one fourth of the world’s population is estimated to have been infected with the tuberculosis (TB) bacilli, and about 5–10% of those infected develop TB disease in their lifetime. The risk for TB disease after infection depends on several factors, the most important being the person’s im...munological status. TB preventive treatment (TPT) given to people at highest risk of progressing from TB infection to disease remains a critical element to achieve the global targets of the End TB Strategy, as reiterated by the second UN High Level Meeting on TB in 2023. Delivering TPT effectively and safely necessitates a programmatic approach to implement a comprehensive package of interventions along a cascade of care: identifying individuals at highest risk, screening for TB and ruling out TB disease, testing for TB infection, and choosing the preventive treatment option that is best suited to an individual, managing adverse events, supporting medication adherence and monitoring programmatic performance
Are we ready to face landslide? A manual book of health crisis response for school children in facing landslide as a potential natural disaster in Indonesia
OppiaMobile is a mobile learning platform for delivering learning content, video and quizzes. All the content and activities can be accessed and used even when no internet connection is available. When a connection becomes available, tracking and quiz scores are sent back to the server for tutors, t...eachers and trainers to track the progress of their learners. Learners earn points and badges for completing activities and modules
you can install following modules: Antenatal Care; Postnatal Care; Labour and Delivery Care; Nutrition; IMNCI
Case Studies on Building Resilience in the Horn of Africa
Jeder ehrenamtliche Helfer in und um Würzburg kann sich an Standpunkt e.V. wenden und kostenlos Skripte bekommen. Schreibt dazu bitte eine Mail an
Este manual operativo determina los aspectos y las etapas primordiales de la ampliación programática del tratamiento preventivo de la tuberculosis, y proporciona herramientas de ejecución e instrumentos de trabajo para la adaptación al contexto local, así como indicadores de seguimiento y evalu...ación de la gestión. En él se destacan los elementos clave que deben tenerse en cuenta en la atención al paciente, la planificación nacional estratégica y la movilización de recursos
Accessed: 08.03.2020
Facilitating means a lot of things. The table below provides an outline of the topics discussed in this section:
- Know Your Audience
- Apply Adult Learning Principles
- Be Prepared to Train
- Manage the Training
- Communicate Effectively
- Engage the Participants
-Use... Visual Aids Effectively
Section 3: Training Basics, Trainer’s Guide
Die Publikation des Deutschen Caritasverbandes mit dem Titel "Von der Unterbringung zum Wohnen" aus der Reihe Fluchtpunkte gibt eine Übersicht zu Standards und Empfehlungen wie Schutzsuchende aus Sicht des Caritasverbades in Deutschland angemessen und menschenwürdig leben (können).
This document is to guide policy makers, managers, districts, health workers, communities, NGOs and all other stakeholders on how to implement newborn health services.
Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) refers to “all procedures involving partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.”1 FGM/C is a violation of girls’ and women’s human rights and is condemned by many int...ernational treaties and conventions, as well as by national legislation in many countries. Yet, where it is practised FGM/C is performed in line with tradition and social norms to ensure that girls are socially accepted and marriageable, and to uphold their status and honour and that of the entire family. UNICEF works with government and civil society partners towards the elimination of FGM/C in countries where it is still practised.
This research project is comprised of a Final Report, 5 Annexed Explosive Weapons Studies, a Terminology paper and a Simulator software tool. Motivated by its strategic goal to improve human security and equipped with subject expertise in explosive hazards, in January 2015, the GICHD established the... research project to characterise explosive weapons (CEW). The aim of this research into explosive weapons characteristics and their immediate, destructive effects on humans and structures is to contribute to the ongoing discussions on explosive weapons in populated areas, intended to reduce harm to civilians. This research does not enter into the moral or legal implications of using explosive weapon systems in populated areas, but rather examines their characteristics, effects and use from a technical perspective.
The updated guidelines present a standard minimum dataset, priority indicators and recommendations to strengthen data use across HIV prevention, testing and treatment, and linkages to services for sexually transmitted infections, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis and cervical cancer. The guidelines also... cover the use of routinely collected data for HIV surveillance (including measurement of HIV prevalence and incidence) and emphasize the use of data from different sources to gain a better picture of epidemiologic trends.