The first clinical series is on newborn care and will consist of brief vignettes that “bring to life” internationally accepted newborn care guidelines.
Accessed online March 2018
Arabic version available:
This animation uses the “visible germ” to help people immediately grasp how easily the coronavirus is transmitted. The film uses simple and visual ways to teach prevention practices that can help people protect themselves and others at home and in their community.
Ther videos are available in... more than 30 languages for free download for your personal and non-commercial use. To access the download pages, you need to "Login.
Что нам необходимо знать? Что нам необходимо делать?
Рекомендации в отношении детей и взрослых с инвалидностью во времена Ковида
Responding to COVID-19: factors to consider for children a...nd adults with disabilities
The Rehabilitation self-management leaflet provides basic exercises and advice for adults who have been severely unwell and admitted to the hospital with COVID-19. The leaflet assist in self-rehabilitation and recovery management, addressing specifically the common residual COVID-19 symptoms, specif...ically breathlessness, starting exercise, getting back to functional activities, mental health and post intubation symptoms such as voice weakness, eating, drinking and attention and memory deficits.
Available in different languages
4 march 2022
What have we learned about the symptoms of Long COVID or Post COVID-19 condition so far? How long does it last, when should you worry, and what treatments are recommended? WHO’s Dr Janet Diaz explains in Science in 5.
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Treatment options for Visceral Leishmaniasis in HIV-coinfected people include oral miltefosine; find additional information on diagnosis and ART treatment.
The World Health Organization's fact sheet on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) highlights that NCDs, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes, are responsible for 74% of all global deaths, totaling 41 million annually. Notably, 86% of premature NCD deaths (...before age 70) occur in low- and middle-income countries. Key risk factors include tobacco use, physical inactivity, harmful alcohol consumption, unhealthy diets, and air pollution. The WHO emphasizes the importance of preventive measures, early detection, and comprehensive healthcare strategies to address the growing NCD burden.
Assesses 10 domains including cognitive impairment and balance and mobility.
The purpose of these guidelines is to streamline the process for managing healthcare equipment donations to improve healthcare services provided to the population of Rwanda. These guidelines are intended to be used by both the donor and recipient of the healthcare equipment donation. Further, these... guidelines apply to both in-country (e.q. one health facility donating equipment to another facility) and out-of-country healthcare equipment donations.
Available downloads in English, French, German, Russian, and various other languages including Arabic, Italian, Greek, Spanish and Turkish
Информационный бюллетень Июнь 2020 г.
Уязвимые группы населения в контексте
ответных мер в отношении COVID-19
Vulnerable populations during COVID-19 response - and adolescents deprived of liberty
Инфографики для населения
Talking about the virus with children of different ages: helpful tips
Latest update: 29 De 2021. Slideset updated regularly to include the latest data and guidance on non-therapeutic and therapeutic treatments for COVID-19, including authorized and investigational agents.
9 Dec 2020
Available in English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa
Accessed on 17.05.2022
Material de descarga - COVID-19- Chile
Official website Ministero de Salud Chile
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Youtube Video