L'article "Témoignages de mères face au choléra" sur ReliefWeb présente les récits de mères haïtiennes dont les enfants ont été touchés par le choléra. Il met en lumière les défis auxquels ces familles sont confrontées, en particulier dans les régions où l'accès aux soins de santé ...et aux infrastructures sanitaires est insuffisant. L'article souligne la vulnérabilité accrue des enfants malnutris face au choléra et insiste sur l'importance des mesures de prévention ainsi que sur la nécessité d'un accès à l'eau potable et à des soins médicaux adéquats.
The website "Learning About Diabetes" provides easy-to-understand educational materials for people with diabetes and their families. It focuses on improving diabetes self-management through visually engaging resources, such as illustrated guides, videos, and tools. The content covers topics like blo...od sugar monitoring, healthy eating, medication management, and lifestyle changes, making diabetes education accessible for all literacy levels.
The article focuses on "The State of the World’s Children 2023" report published by UNICEF. It highlights the critical role of vaccines in saving lives and the challenges in global immunization efforts, especially for marginalized and underserved children. The report emphasizes the impact of COVID...-19 on routine immunization, leaving millions of children unprotected from preventable diseases. It calls for urgent measures to restore and improve vaccination coverage, ensure equity in vaccine access, strengthen primary healthcare systems, and build trust in vaccines. The report also advocates for innovations and sustainable funding to achieve immunization for every child.
The article focuses on "The State of the World’s Children 2023" report published by UNICEF. It highlights the critical role of vaccines in saving lives and the challenges in global immunization efforts, especially for marginalized and underserved children. The report emphasizes the impact of COVID...-19 on routine immunization, leaving millions of children unprotected from preventable diseases. It calls for urgent measures to restore and improve vaccination coverage, ensure equity in vaccine access, strengthen primary healthcare systems, and build trust in vaccines. The report also advocates for innovations and sustainable funding to achieve immunization for every child.
La página de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) sobre las enfermedades diarreicas destaca que son la tercera causa de muerte en niños de 1 a 59 meses, causando aproximadamente 443 832 muertes anuales en menores de 5 años. Estas enfermedades, aunque prevenibles y tratables, representan un...a de las principales causas de malnutrición infantil. La diarrea, definida como la evacuación de heces sueltas o líquidas tres o más veces al día, suele ser síntoma de infecciones intestinales transmitidas por alimentos o agua contaminados, o por una higiene deficiente. La prevención incluye el acceso a agua potable, saneamiento adecuado, lavado de manos con jabón, lactancia materna exclusiva durante los primeros seis meses y vacunación contra el rotavirus. El tratamiento se basa en la rehidratación oral con soluciones de sales de rehidratación oral (SRO) y suplementos de zinc. La OMS trabaja con los Estados Miembros para promover políticas que apoyen el manejo de estas enfermedades y mejoren el acceso a agua potable y saneamiento.
The article focuses on "The State of the World’s Children 2023" report published by UNICEF. It highlights the critical role of vaccines in saving lives and the challenges in global immunization efforts, especially for marginalized and underserved children. The report emphasizes the impact of COVID...-19 on routine immunization, leaving millions of children unprotected from preventable diseases. It calls for urgent measures to restore and improve vaccination coverage, ensure equity in vaccine access, strengthen primary healthcare systems, and build trust in vaccines. The report also advocates for innovations and sustainable funding to achieve immunization for every child.
The website "Learning About Diabetes" provides easy-to-understand educational materials for people with diabetes and their families. It focuses on improving diabetes self-management through visually engaging resources, such as illustrated guides, videos, and tools. The content covers topics like blo...od sugar monitoring, healthy eating, medication management, and lifestyle changes, making diabetes education accessible for all literacy levels. - Chinese documents
The website "Learning About Diabetes" provides easy-to-understand educational materials for people with diabetes and their families. It focuses on improving diabetes self-management through visually engaging resources, such as illustrated guides, videos, and tools. The content covers topics like blo...od sugar monitoring, healthy eating, medication management, and lifestyle changes, making diabetes education accessible for all literacy levels. - Documents in hindi
Paraguay no se detiene en su objetivo de eliminar la Enfermedad de Chagas como problema de salud pública en esta década y, para ello, pone a disposición del personal de salud la primera guía de manejo de esta patología en mujeres en edad fértil, embarazadas y niños, con aprobación y declarac...ión de interés ministerial, por Resolución S.G. N° 261, del 05 de junio de 2023.
Asthma is a serious global health problem affecting all age groups. Its prevalence is increasing in many countries, espacially among children. Although some countries have seen a decline in hospitalizations and deaths from asthma, asthma still imposes an unacceptable burden on health care systems, a...nd on society through loss of productivity in the workplace and, espacially for pediatric asthma, disruption to the family.
The report provides an epidemiological update on cholera outbreaks in Haiti as of January 17, 2023. Since the first confirmed cases in October 2022, Haiti has reported 24,232 suspected cases, including 1,742 confirmed cases and 483 deaths. The most affected areas are in the Ouest Department, particu...larly Port-au-Prince. Children aged 1 to 4 years are the most affected group. The ongoing humanitarian crisis, security issues, and limited access to healthcare have worsened the outbreak, hindering epidemiological surveillance and case reporting. The PAHO/WHO is working with Haitian authorities to respond to the outbreak and mitigate its spread.
Information sheet - Diarrhoea control with ORS and Zink
The document "Diabetes in Children and Young People" by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) provides quality standards for the diagnosis, management, and support of diabetes in children and adolescents.
School Nutrition Education Material for Teachers, Parents, and School-Aged Children is a set of nutrition education materials developed by the World Food Programme with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and UNICEF
School Nutrition Education Material for Teachers, Parents, and School-Aged Children is a set of nutrition education materials developed by the World Food Programme with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and UNICEF
The World Food Programme (WFP), in collaboration with Indonesia's Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, and UNICEF, has developed a comprehensive set of nutrition education materials aimed at teachers, parents, and school-aged children. These resources are designed to address the... triple burden of malnutrition in Indonesia, which includes undernutrition, overnutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies.
School Nutrition Education Material for Teachers, Parents, and School-Aged Children is a set of nutrition education materials developed by the World Food Programme with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and UNICEF
The materials emphasize the importance of a healthy breakfast to support energy levels, maintain a healthy weight, improve concentration, and meet daily nutritional needs. They are part of a broader initiative to educate children, parents, and educators on balanced nutrition and healthy eating habit...s for better overall health.
La página enlazada del Manual MSD para el hogar aborda el tema de la diarrea en niños. Proporciona información detallada sobre las causas, síntomas, procedimientos de diagnóstico y opciones de tratamiento de la diarrea en la infancia. Además, destaca los signos de advertencia que podrían indi...car problemas de salud más graves. La página subraya la importancia de prevenir y tratar la deshidratación, que puede ocurrir rápidamente en niños con diarrea. Los padres y cuidadores encontrarán valiosos consejos para el cuidado y manejo de los niños que padecen diarrea.
The document provides detailed clinical guidelines for the therapy of Type 1 Diabetes as developed by the German Diabetes Association (DDG). It focuses on individualized insulin therapy, structured patient training, and monitoring of blood glucose levels. The guidelines emphasize preventing complica...tions like ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia while improving patients' quality of life through education and tailored medical care. Recommendations include the use of both basal and bolus insulin, continuous glucose monitoring, and integrating psychosocial support into treatment plans. The document serves as a comprehensive resource for healthcare professionals managing Type 1 Diabetes.