Technical specifications series for submission to WHO prequalification: diagnostic assessment;TSS-3
The CDC webpage on the clinical features of malaria outlines the disease's presentation, categorizing it into uncomplicated and severe forms, and emphasizes that prompt and accurate diagnosis and treatment can lead to a cure.
The World Health Organization's malaria fact sheet provides an overview of malaria, a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It highlights that malaria is preventable and curable, yet remains a significant glo...bal health challenge. Key statistics from 2023 indicate an estimated 263 million malaria cases and 597,000 deaths worldwide, with the WHO African Region bearing the majority of this burden. The fact sheet details transmission methods, symptoms, at-risk populations, diagnostic approaches, treatment options—including the use of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs)—and preventive measures such as insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS). It also discusses the impact of malaria on vulnerable groups like children under five and pregnant women, and outlines WHO's global response strategies aimed at reducing malaria incidence and mortality rates.
El documento proporciona información básica sobre la malaria (paludismo), una enfermedad grave causada por un parásito que se transmite a través de la picadura de ciertos mosquitos, describe sus síntomas principales, cómo se diagnostica y trata, y ofrece recomendaciones de prevención, especia...lmente para quienes viajan a zonas donde la enfermedad es común.
Der RKI-Ratgeber zur Malaria bietet umfassende Informationen über die durch Plasmodium-Parasiten verursachte Infektionskrankheit. Er richtet sich an medizinisches Fachpersonal und den Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst und behandelt Themen wie Infektionswege, Symptomatik, Diagnostik, Therapie und Prä...vention der Malaria. Zudem werden gesetzliche Grundlagen, Meldepflichten sowie Beratungs- und Spezialdiagnostikmöglichkeiten erläutert. Der Ratgeber wird regelmäßig aktualisiert, um den neuesten Stand der Wissenschaft und epidemiologischen Daten widerzuspiegeln.
The ECDC webpage on malaria provides an overview of the disease, emphasizing that while malaria is mostly travel-related in the EU/EEA, it remains a serious global health threat. It outlines symptoms, affected populations, travel-associated risks, and highlights the importance of prevention, surveil...lance, and data monitoring.
The article "Malaria – MSD Manual Professional Edition" provides a comprehensive overview of malaria, an infection caused by Plasmodium species. It describes symptoms such as fever, chills, and anemia, explains diagnostic methods like parasite detection in blood smears, and discusses treatment opt...ions including artemisinin-based combination therapies. In addition, it outlines prevention strategies such as medical prophylaxis and mosquito control measures. The article is intended for medical professionals and offers detailed information on the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and management of malaria.
The AHO Malaria Fact Sheet gives a brief overview of malaria as a preventable and curable disease caused by Plasmodium parasites, mainly affecting sub-Saharan Africa. It highlights symptoms like fever and chills, notes vulnerable groups such as young children and pregnant women, and emphasizes the n...eed for targeted prevention and treatment.
The document provides basic information about malaria, explaining that it is a serious but preventable and treatable disease caused by a parasite transmitted through mosquito bites. It describes common symptoms like fever, chills, and fatigue, emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and treatme...nt, and outlines prevention tips such as using insect repellent, wearing protective clothing, and eliminating standing water.
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on how to implement Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) recommendations for malaria elimination at the local level. It is a streamlined, more operational version of the Manual for Stratifying Malaria Risk and Elimination of Foci, aimed primarily operational teams working in the field. The content has been prioritized and the steps of the process organized to facilitate greater understanding by local teams. Adjustments have also been made to underscore its versatility for all malaria transmission scenarios in the Region of the Americas.
Anopheles stephensi is an invasive mosquito species which has been found spreading across Africa. While this species presents a new challenge for malaria control on the continent, its surveillance and management have been ongoing in Asia for many years. This document aims to summarize key lessons 3 countries – India, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Sri Lanka – that have been working to control An. stephensi. It is hoped that their experiences and insights will be valuable for countries encountering An. stephensi for the first time.
The Mekong Malaria Elimination (MME) programme is an initiative aimed at supporting Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries – Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam, and Yunnan (China) – in achieving the goal of malaria elimination by 2030. Data for this epidemi...ological summary were compiled from country reports. Between January and March 2024, 22 632 malaria cases were reported. During that period, GMS countries recorded 28% fewer cases, with P. falciparum + mixed and P. vivax cases declining by 50% and 23%, respectively. Meanwhile, testing declined by 21% when compared to the same period in 2023.
Todos los países de la Región de las Américas en los que la malaria es endémica han asumido el reto de eliminar la enfermedad y de poner en marcha intervenciones para orientar sus programas y estrategias de salud en esa dirección. Esta versión simplificada y más operativa del Manual para la e...stratificación según el riesgo de malaria y la eliminación de focos de transmisión, dirigida al personal de campo, orienta sobre cómo implementar las acciones básicas de eliminación de la malaria. Se propone orientar un cambio en la operación de malaria con la atención centrada en abordar los focos y la organización de la operación en el nivel más local. El documento parte de la necesidad de identificar y definir un ámbito operativo (el foco o microárea) en donde se pone en práctica una intervención programática concreta (DTI-R) que, si bien es estandarizada a nivel nacional, debe ser ante todo guiada por la comprensión de la dinámica de la transmisión a nivel local
Effective malaria case management requires quick access to diagnostics and antimalarial treatments to reduce illness and death. Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has been essential to malaria treatment since 2001, as it combines artemisinin for rapid parasite reduction with a partner drug ensure complete cure. However, resistance to antimalarial drugs, where parasites survive standard doses, threatens malaria control.
Rivercess, Liberia, April 25, 2024 - Liberia marks a monumental milestone in its battle against malaria
as it launches the highly anticipated RTS,S malaria vaccine today, coinciding with World Malaria Day,
commemorated under the theme: Health Equity, Gender, and Human Rights: Accelerating the Figh...t
Against Malaria for a More Equitable World. The launch ceremony, held in Rivercess County, signals a
significant step forward in the nation's commitment to safeguarding the health of its children and
This dataset contains data from WHO's data portal covering the following categories:
Air pollution, Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), Assistive technology, Child mortality, Dementia diagnosis, treatment and care, Dementia policy and legislation, Environment and health, Foodborne Diseases Estimates,... Global Dementia Observatory (GDO), Global Health Estimates: Life expectancy and leading causes of death and disability, Global Information System on Alcohol and Health, Global Patient Safety Observatory, HIV, Health financing, Health systems, Health taxes, Health workforce, Hepatitis, Immunization coverage and vaccine-preventable diseases, Malaria, Maternal and reproductive health, Mental health, Neglected tropical diseases, Noncommunicable diseases, Nutrition, Oral Health, Priority health technologies, Resources for Substance Use Disorders, Road Safety, SDG Target 3.8 | Achieve universal health coverage (UHC), Sexually Transmitted Infections, Tobacco control, Tuberculosis, Vaccine-preventable communicable diseases, Violence against women, Violence prevention, Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), World Health Statistics.
The conditionality of this recommendation is largely driven by the current higher unit cost of pyrethroid-PBO ITNs compared
to pyrethroid-only LLINs and therefore the uncertainty of their cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, as PBO is less wash-resistant
than pyrethroids, its bioavailability declines ...faster over the three-year estimated life of an ITN; therefore, the added impact of
pyrethroid-PBO ITNs over that of pyrethroid-only LLINs may decline over time. The evidence comes from two sites in
eastern Africa with pyrethroid resistance and not from other geographies where transmission levels and vector characteristics
may vary. PBO acts by inhibiting certain metabolic enzymes, primarily oxidases, and so are likely to provide greater protection
than pyrethroid-only LLINs where mosquitoes display mono-oxygenase-based insecticide resistance mechanisms.
Indoor residual spraying (IRS) involves applying residual insecticide to potential vector resting sites on the interior surfaces of human dwellings or other buildings. The main aim of IRS is to kill vectors before they are able to transmit pathogens to humans. When carried out correctly, IRS has his...torically been shown to be a powerful intervention to reduce adult vector density and longevity for mosquitoes, sand flies and triatomine bugs and can reduce the transmission of vector-borne diseases.
This report is one of the first major products of the newly established Precision Public Health Metrics unit of the UCN cluster of the WHO Regional Office for Africa. The report presents national trends in communicable and non-communicable disease burden and control in the WHO African region. It tra...cks progress made with respect to disease burden reduction, elimination and eradication. It also highlights major emerging threats, opportunities and priorities in the fight against commu- nicable and non-communicable diseases in the region. It covers the period 2000-2022, but for some indicators, information is available only up to 2021.
The report shows the number of reported cases for malaria and vaccine preventable diseases (meningitis, measles, yellow fever, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio); disease incidence due to HIV, tuberculosis and four major noncommunicable diseases (cardiovas- cular diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic respira- tory diseases).
The document provides a comprehensive overview of malaria, covering its global impact, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention strategies, and the role of public health interventions—especially in high-risk regions like sub-Saharan Africa—to reduce its incidence and mortality.