The ECDC's Cholera Monthly Surveillance page provides up-to-date data on cholera cases reported in Europe and globally. It monitors outbreaks, tracks trends, and analyzes the spread of the disease to support public health responses. The page includes interactive maps, statistics, and reports to help... policymakers, researchers, and healthcare professionals understand cholera’s epidemiology and implement preventive measures.
L'article souligne que les épidémies de choléra en Syrie et au Liban menacent gravement la santé et la survie des enfants. L'UNICEF alerte sur l'augmentation rapide des cas, exacerbée par des infrastructures d'eau et d'assainissement défaillantes, ainsi que par des systèmes de santé fragilis...és. L'organisation appelle à une action urgente pour améliorer l'accès à l'eau potable, renforcer les services de santé et mener des campagnes de vaccination afin de protéger les enfants contre cette maladie potentiellement mortelle.
L'article "Témoignages de mères face au choléra" sur ReliefWeb présente les récits de mères haïtiennes dont les enfants ont été touchés par le choléra. Il met en lumière les défis auxquels ces familles sont confrontées, en particulier dans les régions où l'accès aux soins de santé aux infrastructures sanitaires est insuffisant. L'article souligne la vulnérabilité accrue des enfants malnutris face au choléra et insiste sur l'importance des mesures de prévention ainsi que sur la nécessité d'un accès à l'eau potable et à des soins médicaux adéquats.
Regional and global cholera surveillance is the continuous compilation of data from affected countries, analysis and interpretation at the regional and global levels, and prompt dissemination of findings for public health action.
La vidéo "Choléra - Questions & Réponses" de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) explique les aspects essentiels du choléra, une maladie diarrhéique aiguë causée par l'ingestion d'eau ou d'aliments contaminés par la bactérie Vibrio cholerae. Elle met en avant les principaux symptôme...s, notamment une diarrhée aqueuse sévère, des vomissements et une déshydratation rapide, pouvant être mortelle sans traitement adéquat. La transmission se fait principalement par l’eau insalubre et les mauvaises conditions sanitaires. Pour prévenir la maladie, il est essentiel d'avoir accès à de l'eau potable, d'améliorer l'hygiène et l'assainissement, et d'utiliser la vaccination dans les zones à haut risque. En cas d'infection, la réhydratation orale ou intraveineuse est le traitement principal, tandis que les antibiotiques sont parfois administrés dans les cas graves. La vidéo insiste sur l'importance d'une intervention rapide et de mesures préventives pour limiter la propagation du choléra et protéger les populations à risque.
The video "Cholera - Questions & Answers" by the World Health Organization (WHO) explains the essential aspects of cholera, an acute diarrheal disease caused by ingesting water or food contaminated with the Vibrio cholerae bacterium. It highlights the main symptoms, including severe watery diarrhea,... vomiting, and rapid dehydration, which can be fatal without proper treatment. Transmission occurs primarily through unsafe water and poor sanitation conditions. To prevent the disease, it is crucial to have access to clean drinking water, improve hygiene and sanitation, and use vaccination in high-risk areas. In case of infection, oral or intravenous rehydration is the primary treatment, while antibiotics are sometimes administered in severe cases. The video emphasizes the importance of rapid intervention and preventive measures to limit the spread of cholera and protect at-risk populations.
Multi-country outbreak of cholera External Situation Report # 23, published 20 February 2025
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has set up a 20-bed cholera treatment unit (CTU) at the Renk Civil Hospital in South Sudan, in response to a cholera outbreak declared by the Ministry of Health (MoH) on 28 October. We call on all organisations in Upper Nile state to help prevent the spread of the di...sease within Upper Nile State and beyond.
The report provides an update on the cholera outbreak in Haiti as of January and February 2024. A total of 79,411 suspected cases have been reported, with 4,608 confirmed cases and 1,172 deaths across all 10 departments. The most affected regions include Ouest, Centre, Artibonite, and Nord, with chi...ldren aged 1-9 being the most impacted. Despite a recent decline in reported cases, underreporting due to security issues remains a concern. Response efforts include coordination meetings, epidemiological surveillance, case management, WASH interventions, vaccination campaigns, and community engagement. However, logistical challenges, insecurity, and funding shortages are hindering effective response efforts.
A GTFCC course on sample collection and testing with rapid diagnostic tests (or RDTs) for cholera, for healthcare workers.
La página de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) sobre las enfermedades diarreicas destaca que son la tercera causa de muerte en niños de 1 a 59 meses, causando aproximadamente 443 832 muertes anuales en menores de 5 años. Estas enfermedades, aunque prevenibles y tratables, representan un...a de las principales causas de malnutrición infantil. La diarrea, definida como la evacuación de heces sueltas o líquidas tres o más veces al día, suele ser síntoma de infecciones intestinales transmitidas por alimentos o agua contaminados, o por una higiene deficiente. La prevención incluye el acceso a agua potable, saneamiento adecuado, lavado de manos con jabón, lactancia materna exclusiva durante los primeros seis meses y vacunación contra el rotavirus. El tratamiento se basa en la rehidratación oral con soluciones de sales de rehidratación oral (SRO) y suplementos de zinc. La OMS trabaja con los Estados Miembros para promover políticas que apoyen el manejo de estas enfermedades y mejoren el acceso a agua potable y saneamiento.
The primary objective of this curriculum is to equip health and care workers with the essential knowledge and competencies necessary for delivering safe and effective care. By doing so it aims to significantly reduce HAIs and combat antimicrobial resistance, thereby safeguarding both patient and HCW...s well-being.
This curriculum is developed to meet the needs of IPC professionals responsible for developing learning resources and overseeing training within health care organizations. Moreover, the curriculum is intended to encompass all individuals involved in health care delivery and support. This holistic approach includes a wide range of staff -ranging from clinical workers to administrative and auxiliary services, thus ensuring a broad and inclusive approach to IPC training.
The Haiti Earthquake and Cholera Emergency appeal (MDRHT018) was implemented by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in collaboration with the Haitian Red Cross Society (HRCS) following the devastating earthquake on 14 August 2021, and the cholera outbreak on 2... October 2022.
The WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office's webpage on cholera information resources provides a comprehensive collection of materials to support understanding and management of cholera outbreaks. It includes posters for public education, recent publications such as Global Defence Against the Inf...ectious Disease Threat (with a chapter on cholera), Cholera Outbreak: Assessing the Outbreak Response and Improving Preparedness, and First Steps for Managing an Outbreak of Acute Diarrhoea. Additionally, it features policy documents like the WHO statement on international travel and trade during cholera outbreaks and the World Health Assembly resolution WHA 64.15 on cholera control and prevention. The page also links to the Global Task Force on Cholera Control and provides cholera country profiles, offering valuable insights into global and regional efforts to combat cholera.
Malawi's Ministry of Health officially declared on August 16, 2023, that the cholera outbreak is no longer a national health emergency. Since the outbreak began in February 2022, the country recorded 58,982 cholera cases and 1,768 deaths. Through coordinated efforts by the government, development pa...rtners, and local communities, the outbreak has been contained in 26 out of 29 districts.
Only a few isolated cases remain in areas affected by Cyclone Freddy. The Minister of Health emphasized the importance of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) initiatives to prevent future outbreaks. The World Health Organization (WHO) praised Malawi’s progress and pledged continued support to mitigate remaining risks.
The CDC document outlines five essential steps for preventing cholera. It emphasizes the importance of using treated water for drinking and food preparation, washing hands thoroughly with soap and safe water, cooking food thoroughly and consuming it while hot, using latrines or properly burying to avoid open defecation, and cleaning and disinfecting areas contaminated with feces using a solution of one part household bleach to nine parts water. These measures are critical to controlling and preventing the spread of cholera, especially in areas affected by outbreaks.
Le rapport décrit la situation épidémiologique au Congo entre le 22 et le 23 juillet 2023, mettant en évidence les épidémies de choléra, de shigellose et de salmonellose. Il mentionne 19 cas confirmés de choléra, 3 de shigellose et 3 de salmonellose, ainsi que 63 cas d'intoxication alimenta...ire. Au total, 36 décès ont été signalés, avec une majorité des cas concentrés à Dolisie. Les autorités sanitaires ont mis en place des mesures de riposte, notamment la distribution de matériel médical, la sensibilisation communautaire et la surveillance épidémiologique. Des défis persistent, notamment l’identification de la source de contamination et le renforcement des capacités médicales.
The CDC document titled "KOLERA: Senk (5) Etap Debaz Yo Pou Prevansyon" outlines five essential steps for preventing cholera. It emphasizes the importance of using treated water for drinking and food preparation, washing hands thoroughly with soap and safe water, cooking food thoroughly and consumin...g it while hot, using latrines or properly burying feces to avoid open defecation, and cleaning and disinfecting areas contaminated with feces using a solution of one part household bleach to nine parts water. These measures are critical to controlling and preventing the spread of cholera, especially in areas affected by outbreaks.
The response to a cholera outbreak must focus on limiting mortality and reducing the spread of the disease. It should be comprehensive and multisectoral, including epidemiology, case management, water, sanitation and hygiene, logistics, community engagement and risk communication. All efforts must b...e well coordinated to ensure a rapid and effective response across sectors.
This document provides a framework for detecting and monitoring cholera outbreaks and organizing the response. It also includes a short section linking outbreak response to both preparedness and long-term prevention activities.