Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Accessed: 08.04.2020
The Government of India is embarking on a mammoth task to prevent COVID-19 spread among communities. The Rapid Evidence Synthesis team received a request to support the planning and development of resources for ensuring preparedness of FLHWs for COVID-19 . The rapid evidence synthesis was conducted a period of three days.
The findings highlight what we can learn from recent pandemics such that we are prepared for potential scenarios and challenges due to COVID-19. Key issues which decision-makers need to consider, based on available evidence
Accessed: 07.04.2020
#IndiaFightsCorona COVID-19
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
जानिए क्या है इन सबके लिए, लॉकडाउन का मतलब। #IndiaFightsCorona
File No.C.13015/03/2020-PG
No. C.13015/03/2020- PG
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated the 31st March, 2020
Video on Covid-19 awareness for community level workers
Experts from AIIMS, New Delhi share basic steps on hand washing to fight against #COVID19
जानिए, AIIMS के डॉक्टरों से कि संक्रमण से बचने के लिए घर पर रहना क्यों आवश्यक है।
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
हाथ धोने के सामान्य नियमों का पालन करके ही हम #COVID19 को समाप्त कर सकते हैं। जानिए कैसे।
Various health experts on how to manage mental health and well-being during the #COVID19 outbreak.
Novel Coronavirus Disease COVID-19
Accessed: 07.04.2020
In order to assist those who are undergoing stress because of Corona Virus crisis, an online Help Desk was launched at Catholic Health Association of India, Directorate, Hyderabad on 26th February.
Billion Lives, a social impact tech company based in Bangalore, India, headed by Mr. John Santhosh,... developed the necessary platform and tech solutions for People can come to the site for live chats, audio and video calls, apart from communicating through mails. The site is active and accessible. There are about 30 professionals from social work and psychology background ready to take calls and deal with fears and anxieties about corona virus crisis. Doctors are ready to answer medical queries.
Multilingual Support: When it comes to language you don't have to worry about being on the wrong page we have multilingual support.
A panel of social workers, psychologists & counselors who are waiting to speak to you.
24X7 Availability