Module for Multi-Purpose Workers (MPW) - Female/Male on Prevention, Screening and Control of Common Non-Communicable Diseases

This module covers common Non-Communicable Diseases such as Hypertension, Diabetes and three common cancers (Cervical, Breast and Oral cancer). The focus of this module is on building the knowledge and skills of the Multi-Purpose Workers (MPW) in undertaking Population Based Screening, identifi cation of cases for referral, follow up, recognition of complications, prevention and health promotion. This module can be used by the female or male MPW. However, while the content of the overall module is the same for both some tasks will be different, particularly those related to screening which the female MPW will have to undertake. It is expected that the ANM/MPW will work closely with the ASHA in her area. Together they form a front line worker team to serve the needs of the community. The content of this module will be covered in three days.