Guide for Emergency Preparedness and Correct Action in Emergency Situations

Stay­ing sa­fe in spi­te of a di­sas­ter. What can you do for your sa­fe­ty in the event of a di­sas­ter? In spring 2013, af­ter weeks of rain, who­le are­as of southern, eas­tern and nor­thern Ger­ma­ny we­re be­set by ca­ta­stro­phic floods. Sett­le­ments va­nis­hed in the floods up to the roofs of the hou­ses, tens of thou­sands of emer­gen­cy per­son­nel and vol­un­teers strug­gled against the wa­ter with sand­bags. Vil­la­ges and parts of towns had to be eva­cua­ted, and the ci­ti­zens we­re on­ly ab­le to ta­ke the es­sen­ti­als with them. Di­sas­ters are part of li­fe. Al­most eve­ry day, we can read about di­sas­ters and lar­ges­ca­le emer­gen­cies in a va­rie­ty of me­dia and see the images of de­struc­ti­on and suf­fe­ring. The­se are not just ma­jor di­sas­ters which af­fect lar­ge are­as for a long ti­me. Lo­cal tor­ren­ti­al rain, a se­ve­re storm, an elec­tric power break­down re­sul­ting from such a storm, or a hou­se fi­re can trig­ger a ve­ry per­so­nal di­sas­ter for each in­di­vi­du­al, each fa­mi­ly, which has to be over­co­me. Ta­ke the ti­me to con­tem­pla­te your per­so­nal emer­gen­cy plan­ning. This bro­chu­re aims to help you to de­ve­lop your per­so­nal pre­pa­red­ness plan. The brochure is also available in different languages:ürenfaltblätter/Ratgeber_node.html