interim guidance, 27 May 2021
All countries should increase their level of preparedness, alert and response to identify, manage and care for new cases of COVID-19. Countries should prepare to respond to different public health scenarios, recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to ma...naging cases and outbreaks of COVID-19. Each country should assess its risk and rapidly implement the necessary measures at the appropriate scale to reduce both COVID-19 transmission and economic, public and social impacts.
Frequenz, Adhärenz und Testqualität sind entscheidende Faktoren für den Erfolg
Epidemiologisches Bulletin17 |29. April 2021 . Im vorliegenden Artikel wird erläutert, wie Antigen-Schnelltests zur Pandemiekontrolle beitragen können. Außerdem werden die Chancen und Herausforderungen einer wiede...rholten Testung zur Reduktion des allgemeinen Transmissionsgeschehens und der zu erwartende Einfluss eines freiwilligen Testangebots auf das allgemeine Infektionsgeschehen diskutiert
A new story book that aims to help children understand and come to terms with COVID-19 has been produced
With the help of a fantasy creature, Ario, “My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!” explains how children can protect themselves, their families and friends from coronavirus and how to... manage difficult emotions when confronted with a new and rapidly changing reality.
Available in more languages
The book – aimed primarily at children aged 6-11 years old – is a project of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, a unique collaboration of United Nations agencies, national and international nongovernmental organizations and international agencies providing mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings.
Available in different languages
Haiti is one of the worst food crises in the world with 46 percent of the population projected to be in high acute food security, mainly due to reduced agricultural production caused by a long period of drought, storms and increased prices of basic foodstuffs, which are compounded by the effects of ...the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
IOM Ethiopia plans to provide timely and tailored humanitarian assistance and resilience programming for crisis-affected populations in Ethiopia and vulnerable migrant returnees, aiming towards durable and sustainable solutions.
L’analyse des besoins humanitaires en Haïti a révélé que plus de 4,4 millions d’Haïtiens et d’Haïtiennes, soit environ 40% de la population, auront besoin d’une assistance humanitaire en 2021.
Tuberculosis (TB) is, and should be, a curable disease; however, each year significant numbers of patients acquire or develop drug-resistant TB, which has a much lower cure rate. Patients with drug-resistant TB have a high prevalence of symptoms; hence, staff caring for these patients should h...ave some familiarity with palliative care, so that general palliative care principles are available to all patients. The timely identification, and addressing, of adverse events occurring during the treatment course is considered as general palliative care for those receiving curative treatment. This publication summarizes the general palliative care approach, which is recommended for use in settings and services that occasionally treat palliative care patients, but do not provide palliative care as the main focus of their work. The review focuses on 18 high TB priority countries of the WHO European Region.
The health and socioeconomic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the countries of Latin America hard and laid bare the profound inequities about which numerous international, regional and national reports have sounded warnings in recent decades. In this context, the historical politica...l and economic exclusion and marginalization of the more than 800 indigenous peoples in the region has been accentuated as a result of insufficient State responses to the crisis, which have not adequately considered the collective rights of these peoples and have had little cultural relevance.
This document provides an overview of the situation of indigenous peoples in the region in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. It analyses both the State’s and indigenous peoples’ own responses to the crisis, as well as offering a set of recommendations to rectify the neglect of these peoples in the management of the pandemic, centring on their collective rights.
Memorandum: Recommendation of interval for the application of the booster dose of COVID-19 vaccines
La presente publicación describe un conjunto de organizaciones que presta o hace los arreglos institucionales (Convenios, contratos u otros) para proveer una cartera de atención de salud equitativa e integral a una población definida. En una emergencia sanitaria nacional prolongada como la COVID-...19 se requiere la prestación de los servicios para proveer atención a las necesidades prioritarias de la población activando los servicios esenciales en todo el país.
Вариант вируса, названный «SARSCoV-2, вариант202012/01»,впервые был выявлен в Соединенном Королевстве, и сейчас его циркуляция подтверждена в ряде стран Европейского ре...иона ВОЗ. Он помечен как «вариант, вызывающий обеспокоенность» (VOC), поскольку, по имеющимся данным, он более активнопередается от человека к человеку.
Climate change is a major risk to good development outcomes, and the World Bank Group is committed to playing an important role in helping countries integrate climate action into their core development agendas. The World Bank Group is committed to supporting client countries to invest in and build a... low-carbon, climate-resilient future, helping them to be better prepared to adapt to current and future climate impacts
Facilitator's Manual - Inter-action Review on the response to COVID-19 - 28 April 2021