Interim practical manual supporting implementation of the WHO guidelines on core components of infection prevention and control programmes
This instructional video from the World Health Organization explains the evidence-based core components of infection prevention and control programmes, critical at both the national and acute health care facility level for patient safety and for health systems to provide quality care. This video is ...brought to life by interviews from people in the field across a range of countries and describes the importance of the eight core components one by one. It will be a great addition to health care training sessions and the information is a key part of the infection prevention and control implementation and improvement process.
Fact sheet
Good hygiene is critical to ensure that healthcare staff provide quality care, reduce the spread of infections, and protect the health of communities. This fact sheet explores the healthcare-related risks of poor hygiene and the critical elements of hand hygiene needed to improve qua...lity of care and reduce negative outcomes of poor compliance (e.g., healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance) in healthcare facilities, and provides recommendations and additional readings for improving hygiene in health settings and achieving a safe, clean healthcare environment.
This document highlights the key aspects of safe health-care waste management in order to guide policy-makers, practitioners and facility managers to improve such services in health-care facilities. It is based on the comprehensive WHO handbook Safe management of wastes from health-care activities (...WHO, 2014), and also takes into consideration relevant World Health Assembly resolutions, other UN documents and emerging global and national developments on water, sanitation and hygiene and infection prevention and control.
at the national and acute health care facility level
La concentration en éthanol est mesurée par une méthode densitométrique à l’aide d’un alcoomètre Gay LUSSAC à l’échelle v/v.
Accessed June 2014
Adapted by PATH from: EngenderHealth.
Infection Prevention: a reference booklet for health care providers
New York: EngenderHealth; 2001. Available at: