Not long ago, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Chagas disease, several campaigns denounced the scant progress has been made in diffrent spheres- medical, scientific and politcal- but major challanges still remain. This is an appropriate time to celebrate what has been ach...ieved and to take the next step.
Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis is, together with geohelminths, the neglected disease that causes more loss of years of healthy life due to disability in Latin America. Chagas disease, as determined by the factors and determinants, shows that different contexts require different actions, ...preventing new cases or reducing the burden of disease. Control strategies must combine two general courses of action including prevention of transmission to prevent the occurrence of new cases (these measures are cost effective), as well as opportune diagnosis and treatment of infected individuals in order to prevent the clinical evolution of the disease and to allow them to recuperate their health. All actions should be implemented as fully as possible and with an integrated way, to maximise the impact. Chagas disease cannot be eradicated due because of the demonstrated existence of infected wild triatomines
in permanent contact with domestic cycles and it contributes to the occurrence of at least few new cases. However, it is possible to interrupt the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in a large territory and to eliminate Chagas disease
as a public health problem with a dramatic reduction of burden of the disease.
Abstract: Chagas disease is caused by infection with the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, and although over 100 years have passed since the discovery of Chagas disease, it still presents an increasing problem for global public health. A plethora of information concerning the chronic phase of human Chaga...s disease, particularly the severe cardiac form, is available in the literature. However, information concerning events during the acute phase of the disease is scarce. In this review, we will discuss the current status of acute Chagas disease cases globally, the immunological findings related to the acute phase and their possible influence in disease outcome, and reactivation of Chagas disease in immunocompromised individuals, a key point for transplantation and HIV invection management.
This report provides a review and analysis of the research landscape for three diseases – Chagas disease, human African trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis – that disproportionately afflict poor and remote populations with limited access to health services. It represents the work of the disease re...ference group on Chagas Disease, Human African Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis (DRG3) which was established to identify key research priorities through review of research evidence and input from stakeholders' consultations.
[Presentación] El presente libro, elaborado por integrantes de múltiples generaciones
de técnicos e investigadores salvadoreños dedicados a la enfermedad de Chagas, refleja claramente su actual situación epidemiológica, la evolución
histórica de la misma y los retos y perspectivas que la... prevención, control
y atención médica de la enfermedad de Chagas presentan al país.
También se destaca el aporte de la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón (JICA), que junto con OPS en Centroamérica y CIDA Canadá en Honduras, han ocupado un capítulo fundamental en el desarrollo de la vigilancia y control de la Enfermedad de
It is 101 years since Carlos Chagas discovered the parasite responsible for the disease that now bears his name. What progress has been made since this discovery? Here Julie Clayton gives the low-down on Chagas disease.
[Antecedentes] En el año 2005, un brote registrado en un área turística del sur de Brasil, concitó la atención internacional en función de haber afectado a un grupo de turistas internacionales y haber registrado alta morbilidad y mortalidad. La importancia que reviste este tema emergente, y la...s recomendaciones relacionadas al estudio del tema emanadas de la 1ª. y 2ª. Reunión de la Iniciativa de Prevención y Vigilancia de la Enfermedad de Chagas en la Amazonia AMCHA (Manaos, 2004 y Cayenne, 2005), estimulan a desarrollar entre técnicos e investigadores dedicados a enfermedad de Chagas e inocuidad de alimentos, la presente consulta técnica para
trazar un posicionamiento sobre la naturaleza y prevención/control de esta variable de transmisión de Chagas de alta morbilidad y mortalidad.
To conduct a study in a small rural hospital located in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, to: examine the prevalence of chagasic cardiomyopathy among patients with the diagnosis of congestive heart failure and assess the prevalence of positive serologic results in blood donors in the hospital, in an att...empt to ascertain whether Chagas’ disease remains an important cause of heart failure at least in some areas of Mexico. Methods. The study of patients with cardiomyopathy was conducted.