Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a re-emerging mosquito borne alphavirus responsible
for the recent outbreak in the Americas. Immunologically naïve population in the Americas favors the spread of epidemics. Chikungunya fever is characterized by an abrupt febrile illness, polyarthralgia and rash. In chikungunya fever, shock or severe hemorrhage is very rarely observed; the onset is more acute and the duration of fever is shorter than dengue disease. The pain is much more pronounced and localized to the joints and tendons in chikungunya fever, in comparison to dengue fever. There is no specific and effective antiviral therapy and vaccines are still in trails. The only effective preventive measures consist of individual protection against mosquito bites and vector control. Disease prevention is important due to the
economic burden it entails. Clinicians need to distinguish chikungunya fever between dengue fever and other diseases to give a successful treatment and prevent disease spreading.
La Enfermedad por el Virus de la Chikungunya – EVCH fue descrita por primera vez durante un brote ocurrido en 1952 al sur de Tanzania, su nombre es de origen makonde, grupo étnico que vive en esa región, que significa “aquel que se encorva” o “retorcido”, que describe la apariencia inc...linada de las personas que sufren la enfermedad, por las artralgias intensas que la caracterizan
Aide-mémoire - Chikungunya
Este vídeo describe la manera en que la vinchuca o chinche besucona transmite el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi, causante de la enfermedad de Chagas, a los humanos.
Clinical Management in dengue-endemic areas
Information on Chikungunya Fever
This facilitator’s manual is designed to support the implementation of the Dengue Clinical Management training course. The guide contains specific instructions for the facilitator and provides:
- a detailed description of the clinical course of dengue illness, which reflects the dynamic and sys...temic nature of dengue that has crucial bearing on the patient’s management;
- a detailed description of the basic pathophysiological changes of severe dengue (i.e. plasma leakage and hypovolaemia/shock) and guidance on the recognition of these changes and appropriate action of management;
- a brief discussion on WHO classification (1997) and its limitations;
- guidance on the differential diagnoses that can be confused with dengue or vice versa; they were described according to the stage of disease;
- a more focused guide on the disease monitoring in accordance with the dynamic changes as the disease progresses;
- emphasis on the importance of monitoring the plasma leakage (haemodynamic status of the patient, clinical signs of plasma leakage and haematocrit);
- a clearer algorithm for fluid management in cases of severe dengue; and
- emphasis on the importance of recognizing or suspecting significant occult bleed. Keep the facilitator’s manual with you each day as you prepare and deliver the information. Use it as a reference when delivering classroom presentations, but avoid reading directly from it during sessions.
Clinical management handbook
Revised and expanded version of the Guidelines
This guideline for the prevention and control of chikungunya fever
(CF) is intended for use by all peripheral health workers in the Region and
is based on the strategy outlined above. This document will focus mainly
on preventing, predicting and detecting outbreaks, and after detection,
investig...ating and containing them.
The socioeconomic factors and public health inadequacies that facilitated the rapid spread of this infection continue to exist. As it is a new and emerging disease it has not received sufficient coverage yet in the medical curricula of Member States. Specific treatment is not available, and there is... no vaccine for the prevention of chikungunya fever. It has therefore become imperative to develop guidelines, based on the limited clinical experience gathered from managing patients so far, for appropriate management of patients in communities and in health facilities. Experts engaged in managing patients with chikungunya fever in the Region were brought together by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia to outline guidelines for managing various situations and stages of the disease.
The socioeconomic factors and public health inadequacies that facilitated the rapid spread of this infection continue to exist. As it is a new and emerging disease it has not received sufficient coverage yet in the medical curricula of Member States. Specific treatment is not available, and there is no vaccine for the prevention of chikungunya fever. It has therefore become imperative to develop guidelines, based on the limited clinical experience gathered from managing patients so far, for appropriate management of patients in communities and in health facilities. Experts engaged in managing patients with chikungunya fever in the Region were brought together by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia to outline guidelines for managing various situations and stages of the disease. This publication is the end result of that exercise and is intended to assist health-care providers in planning and implementing appropriate care to patients with chikungunya fever according to their actual clinical conditions