This issue is available in Engilsh, Maguindanao, Maranao, Tagalog from the website
PhD Martin Moder, österreichischer Molekularbiologe, Autor populärwissenschaftlicher Bücher und Teil der Wissenschaftskabarettgruppe Science Busters, erklärt die Wirkweise und potentiellen Risiken der mRNA-Impfstoffe gegen COVID19
13 July 2021
The module provides an overview of factors to consider when monitoring the safety of COVID-19 vaccines administered to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It describes how national routine AEFI surveillance should be adapted to cater for this specific group of population using both pass...ive and active surveillance methods. Specific considerations and limitations of each method are provided as well as tools for implementation.
Early data from US biotech Moderna has revealed that its Covid-19 vaccine candidate is 94.5 per cent effective, raising hopes that a range of immunisations will be available to help end the pandemic.
The interim analysis of the vaccine, currently known as mRNA-1273, comes after 95 trial particip...ants contracted Covid-19, including just five who were given the coronavirus jab.
In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the societal disruption it has brought, national governments and the international community have invested billions of dollars and immense amounts of human resources to develop a safe and effective vaccine in an unprecedented time f...rame. Vaccination against this novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), offers the possibility of significantly reducing severe morbidity and mortality and transmission when deployed alongside other public health strategies and improved therapies.
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Immunizations are an essential health service that protect susceptible individuals from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD).2 By providing timely immunizations, individuals and communities remain protected and the likelihood of a VPD outbreak decreases
This publication is available in Arabic, Chines...e, English, French, Russian and Spanish
28 Dec 2020. The main objective of these guidelines is to provide tools for staff working in the field of immunization to support effective communication between health personnel and the general population, with the aim of strengthening, maintaining or recovering trust in vaccines and the immunizati...on programs in the Region of the Americas.
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
Vaccine handling, storage and Transportation of Pfizer BioNTech
COVID-19 COMIRNATY® (Tozinameran)
El propósito de este marco de valores es brindar orientación a nivel mundial acerca de la asignación de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 entre los países y a nivel nacional con respecto a la determinación de los grupos prioritarios para recibirlas dentro de los países, mientras el suministro sea... limitado. El marco tiene por objeto apoyar a los responsables de formular políticas y a los asesores expertos a nivel nacional, regional y mundial mientras toman decisiones sobre la asignación de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 y la priorización de los grupos que las recibirán
This document it available in Arabic, Chinese English, French, Portuguese and Russian
Иммунизация является важной медицинской услугой, которая защищает человечество от болезней, предупреждаемых вакцинацией (БПВ)2. Благодаря своевременной имму...низации люди и сообщества обретают защиту, и вероятность вспышки БПВ уменьшается.Предотвращение вспышки БПВ не только спасает жизни, но и требует меньше ресурсовпо сравнению среагированиемна вспышку и помогает снизить нагрузку на систему здравоохранения, и без того перегруженную в результате пандемии COVID-19.
Cet article fait partie d’une série d’explications à propos de la mise au point et de la distribution des vaccins.
Available in English, French, Spanisch, Arabic, Chinese and Russian
WHO technical advisory group on behavioural insights and sciences for health, meeting report, 15 October 2020
How do vaccines work to protect us? What are the vaccine technologies in the pipeline and how do we ensure safe vaccines? Dr Katherine O’ Brien explains in Science in 5 !
Guidance for addressing a global infodemic and fostering demand for immunization
December 2020
Misinformation threatens the success of vaccination programs across the world. This guide aims to help organizations to address the global infodemic through the development of strategic and well-coordina...ted national action plans to rapidly counter vaccine misinformation and build demand for vaccination that are informed by social listening.
This article is part four in a series of explainers on vaccine development and distribution.
Part one focused on how vaccines work to protect our bodies from disease-carrying germs.
Part two focused on the ingredients in a vaccine and the three clinical trial phases.
Part three focused on the from completing the clinical trial phases through to distribution.
This document outlines the different types of vaccines.
Available in English, French, Spanisch, Arabic, Chinese and Russian
Science . 2020 Sep 11;369(6509):1309-1312. doi: 10.1126/science.abe2803. Epub 2020 Sep 3.
The Fair Priority Model offers a practical way to fulfill pledges to distribute vaccines fairly and equitably
The WHO SAGE values framework for the allocation and prioritization of COVID-19 vaccination is intended to offer guidance on the prioritization of groups for vaccination when vaccine supply is limited. It provides a values foundation for the objectives of COVID-19 vaccination programmes and links t...hose to target groups for vaccination. This information is valuable to countries and globally while specific policies will be developed once vaccines become available.
This document it available in Arabic, Chinese English, French, Portugese and Russian,