“Guide to facilitate the implementation of the WHO/UNICEF “Guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines” for Africa
Here you can find the latest Vaccination Data sheet
Formulaire standard d'evaluation
Available in English, French, Spanisch, Chinese, Arabic and Russian
INFO Zur Schutzimpfung gegen COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019)–mit mRNA-Impfstoffen –
Erklärung für die Formulare
COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which are normal signs that your body is building protection. These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects.
Available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese
Webinars in Russian (playlist on YouTube)
The science behind the virus, and at what tricks statistics can play with journalists
What does COVID mean for small media outlets?
COVID coverage 101
Tips & tricks for turning your viewers into loyal users
Working with scientific... information
How news organizations should respond to COVID-19
Available in English, French, German and Italian
31 March 2021
This article is part of a series of explainers on vaccine development and distribution. Learn more about vaccines – from how they work and how they’re made to ensuring safety and equitable access – in WHO’s Vaccines Explained series.
Countries around the world are rolling ou...t COVID-19 vaccines, and a key topic of interest is their safety. Vaccine safety is one of WHO’s highest priorities, and we’re working closely with national authorities to develop and implement standards to ensure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
Wird ständig aktualisiert
28 Dec 2020. acualizada 28 de enero 2021 Las presentes orientaciones tienen como objetivo principal facilitar a los equipos de salud herramientas que sirvan de apoyo para la comunicación efectiva entre el personal de salud y la población general, con miras a lograr el objetivo de fortalecer, mant...ener o recuperar la confianza en las vacunas y en los programas de inmunización en la Región de las Américas.
Les vaccins sont conçus pour vous conférer une immunité sans les dangers d’avoir contracté la maladie. Il est courant de ressentir quelques effets indésirables légers à modérés après avoir reçu un vaccin. Ils sont dus au fait que votre système immunitaire demande à votre organisme d'a...ugmenter le flux sanguin afin que davantage de cellules immunitaires puissent circuler, et il élève votre température interne afin de tuer le virus. Les vaccins nous aident à nous protéger contre les maladies, et ressentir des effets indésirables légers ou modérés après avoir reçu un vaccin est un signe que ce vaccin et notre système immunitaire fonctionnent.
As new variants emerge people are wondering if they should wait until a more efficacious vaccine is available or if they should go ahead and get vaccinated now? Answering your questions on COVID-19 vaccines and variants in this episode of Science in 5 is WHO's Dr Soumya Swaminathan.
This guide is designed to accompany the training module, Communicating with health workers about COVID-19 vaccination. It provides detailed explanations, resources and guidance to accompany the slides in the training module and support those implementing the training. It is intended for training fac...ilitators or trainers of trainers (ToTs) who will be conducting the training at the country level either face-to-face or online with a group of participants. Facilitators can use this guidance document to help them adapt the training content to their local context and facilitate discussion with training participants. Facilitators are encouraged to have this guide available to them as a tool during the training session.
Internews and Maharat collected and analyzed 433 rumors about COVID-19 circulating on social media
between January 5, 2021and January 31, 2021. This bulletin highlights community perceptions and criticisms about different topics
If you have been wondering when you would receive your vaccine? Why you should get vaccinated and are concerned about what your are hearing about side effects, this episode of Science with 5 with WHO’s Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan is for you.
Vaccination programmes against COVID-19 and seasonal influenza are currently being implemented in parallel in many countries. Administration of both vaccines during the same visit has potential advantages. This document presents the evidence related to coadministration of Covid-19 and influenza vacc...ines and the interim guidance.
WHO's 'Vaccine Explained' series features illustrated articles on vaccine development and distribution. Learn more about vaccines from the earliest of research stages to their rollout in countries.
Informationen zu Impfungen gegen Covid-19
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