Guide on labeling and placarding hazardous materials
La communication sur les risques est un aspect à part entière des interventions d’urgence. Il s’agit de l’échange en temps réel d’informations, de conseils et d’avis entre les experts, les responsables communautaires, les décideurs politiques et les populations en situation de risque.... Lors d’une épidémie, d’une pandémie, d’une crise humanitaire ou d’une catastrophe naturelle, une communication sur les risques efficace permet aux populations les plus exposées de comprendre les comportements à adopter pour se protéger. Ainsi, les autorités et les experts peuvent être à l’écoute des inquiétudes et des besoins, chercher à y répondre et faire en sorte que leurs conseils soient pertinents, fiables et recevables
Arabic version available:
Injury to the skin and underlying tissues from acute exposure to
a large external dose of radiation is referred to as cutaneous
radiation injury (CRI). Acute radiation syndrome (ARS) 1 will
usually be accompanied by some skin damage; however, CRI
can ...occur without symptoms of ARS. This is especially true with
acute exposures to beta radiation or low-energy x-rays, because
beta radiation and low-energy x-rays are less penetrating and less
likely to damage internal organs than gamma radiation is. CRI can
occur with radiation doses as low as 2 Gray (Gy) or 200 rads 2 and
the severity of CRI symptoms will increase with increasing doses.
Most cases of CRI have occurred when people inadvertently came
in contact with unsecured radiation sources from food irradiators,
radiotherapy equipment, or well depth gauges. In addition, cases of
CRI have occurred in people who were overexposed to x-radiation
from fluoroscopy units.
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) is a global network of non-governmental organizations, active in some 100 countries, that works for a world free of antipersonnel landmines, where landmine survivors can lead fulfilling lives. The website provides comprehensive resources such as inf...ormation about landmines, victim assistance, disarmament and events.
Are you prepared? If a disaster strikes in your community, you might not have access to food, water, or electricity for several days. Preparing an emergency kit for your family is an important step in keeping them safe and healthy during an emergency.
Arabic version available:
Welcome to Learn About Nuclear Weapons! Learn about nuclear weapons is a web-based educational material from the Swedish Physicians against Nuclear Weapons in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Russian. For you who want to learn more about nuclear weapons, its consequences and what you can do to help c...reate a world without nuclear weapons.
A WHO Guideline for Emergency Risk Communication (ERC) policy and practice.
Recent public health emergencies, such as the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa (2014–2015), the emergence of the Zika virus syndrome in 2015–2016 and multi-country yellow fever outbreaks in Africa in 2016, h...ave highlighted major challenges and gaps in how risk is communicated during epidemics and other health emergencies. The challenges include the rapid transformation in communications technology, including the near-universal penetration of mobile telephones, the widespread use and increasingly powerful influence of digital media which has had an impact on ‘traditional’ media (newspapers, radio and television), and major changes in how people access and trust health information. Important gaps include considerations of context – the social, economic, political and cultural factors influencing people’s perception of risk and their risk-reduction behaviours.
Radiation emergencies may be intentional (e.g., caused by terrorists) or unintentional. CDC provides some examples of different types of radiation emergencies and information what to do if a radiation emergency happens in your area.
Initial clinical management of patients exposed to clinical weapons: Emergency wet decontamination using the 'rinse-wipe-rinse' technique is simple, effective and requires minimal equipment and training. This technique may be adapted to the situation and available resources.
Also available in Arab...ic:
Руководство ВОЗ по политике и практике информирования о рисках при чрезвычайных ситуациях (ИРЧС)
A brief, 17-minute video covering key radiation principles and radiological procedures. Includes demonstrations on application of these principles and procedures in several patient care scenarios in an emergency services setting.
Monitor interactive maps present treaty status, stockpiles, contamination, and casualties data on landmines and cluster munitions, primarily based on the latest Monitor annual reports.
This pocket guide is designed for clinicians, including physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals, who will provide emergency care following a radiological event. It should be used as a supplement to training and practice drills. (Prints on 8½" x 14" paper)
The Radiation Injury Treatment Network® (RITN) provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment for victims of radiation exposure or other marrow toxic injuries.
The goals of RITN are:
1. to develop treatment guidelines for managing hematologic toxicity among victims of radiation exposure,
2. to... educate health care professionals about pertinent aspects of radiation exposure management,
3. to help coordinate the medical response to radiation events, and
4. to provide comprehensive evaluation and treatment for victims at participating centers.
Hier finden Sie jede Menge interessante Informationen über Atomwaffen. Wie sie entwickelt wurden, was die Folgen der ersten Atombomben-Einsätze auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki waren, die Geschichte des Atomzeitalters seit 1942 und auch viele technische Informationen über das Atom und die Strahlung. die jetzige atomare Bedrohung ist ein wichtiges Thema: mit Daten über die Atomwaffenstaaten, ihren Arsenalen und gültige Doktrinen.