Le Directeur général de l’OMS, le Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a estimé que la recrudescence de variole simienne (mpox) en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et dans un nombre croissant de pays d’Afrique constituait une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale (USPPI) au t...itre du Règlement sanitaire international (2005) (RSI).
Le 14 août, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) déclarait que l’épidémie de variole simienne, dite Mpox, était une « urgence sanitaire internationale », après une flambée des cas en Afrique. Le lendemain, un cas était déclaré en Suède. La branche européenne de l’OMS estime... que d’autres cas importés de Mpox sont susceptibles d’être détectés prochainement en Europe. Ce qu’il faut savoir sur cette épidémie.
Qu'est-ce que la mpox (variole du singe) ?
Outbreaks of mpox in newly affected countries have mostly been identified in communities of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men who have had recent sexual contact with a new partner or partners. Communities of trans and gender diverse people linked to the same sexual networks have also... been affected.
This document (updated in March 2023) is intended for use by individuals, community leaders, influencers, health workers and others affected by or working on the mpox outbreak. It contains information to help people reduce their risk of mpox and to help slow the spread of the virus. This is the third version of this publication – it has been updated based on current public health advice.
Une flambée de maladie connue sous le nom de « variole du singe » sévit actuellement dans de nombreux pays où il n’y a généralement pas de cas. Cette situation peut être préoccupante, notamment pour les personnes dont les proches ou la communauté sont touchés. Certains cas ont été obs...ervés dans des centres de santé sexuelle parmi les homosexuels, les bisexuels et les autres hommes qui ont des rapports sexuels avec des hommes.
Outbeak of Clade I MPXV in Subsaharan Africa
WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has determined that the upsurge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (2005...) (IHR). Dr Tedros’s declaration came on the advice of an IHR Emergency Committee of independent experts who met earlier in the day to review data presented by experts from WHO and affected countries. The Committee informed the Director-General that it considers the upsurge of mpox to be a PHEIC, with potential to spread further across countries in Africa and possibly outside the continent.
This is the 35th situation report for the multi-country outbreak of mpox, which provides details on the latest epidemiological trends, including an update on the geographic expansion of mpox in the WHO African Region from July – August 2024.
The monkeypox virus (MPXV) clade I epidemic that has been affecting the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC) since November 2023 has recently spread to several other African countries including Burundi, Rwanda,
Uganda and Kenya. The size of these outbreaks could be larger than reported due to un...der-ascertainment and
Preliminary data from Member States indicate that the number of cholera cases reported in 2023 as of 15 December has surpassed that of 2022, with over 667 000 cases and 4000 deaths. These figures must be interpreted with caution given the varying surveillance systems and capacity across countries, w...hich means that 2023 data are not directly comparable to reports from previous years.
La fièvre jaune est endémique dans plusieurs pays d'Amérique latine. Afin d'aider les décideurs à hiérarchiser les actions de prévention contre cette maladie, l'Organisation panaméricaine de la santé présente ces profils de pays avec une sélection concise et complète de données provenan...t des pays endémiques. Chaque profil fournit une analyse de la situation actuelle du pays, des facteurs écologiques et climatiques associés à la maladie, de la distribution et de l'incidence des vecteurs, ainsi que des principales activités des arbovirus. Il comprend également une perspective historique de l'épidémiologie et un résumé de la situation de la vaccination contre la maladie dans le pays.
This country profile presents a summary and analysis of Argentina's status with yellow fever. It is part of a series of profiles on this topic, each focusing on a different country in the Region of the Americas. Argentina's geographical location presents a wide territorial extension throughout diffe...rent latitudes, which determines a wide climatic variety, maintaining the conditions for the enzootic transmission of the yellow fever virus in jungle areas of the northeast of the country bordering Brazil and Paraguay. After controlling the major urban epidemics that hit the port city of Buenos Aires in the 20th century, Argentina maintains foci of enzootic activity in the northeast and isolated human cases for jungle acquisition. The increases in viral activity usually occur in a regional context of epizootics that affect southern Brazil and eastern Paraguay. Argentina has not presented autochthonous cases since 2008. Outbreaks have been sporadic with long intervals without evidence of viral activity.
La fiebre amarilla es una enfermedad endémica en varios países de América Latina. Con vistas a brindar apoyo a los responsables de la toma de decisiones para priorizar las acciones preventivas frente a esta afección, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud presenta estos perfiles nacionales co...n una selección de datos concisa y exhaustiva de los países con endemicidad. En cada perfil se brinda un análisis de la situación actual del país, los factores ecológicos y climáticos asociados a la enfermedad, la distribución e incidencia de los vectores, y las claves de la actividad arboviral. Asimismo, se incluye una perspectiva histórica de la epidemiología y un resumen del estado de la vacunación contra la enfermedad en el país.
Since the last situation report on the multi-country outbreak of cholera was published on 1 June 2023 (covering data reported until 15 of May), no new country reported a cholera outbreak. In total, 24 countries have reported cases since the beginning of 2023. The WHO African Region remains the most ...affected region with 14 countries reporting cholera cases since the beginning of the year. The overall capacity to respond to the multiple and simultaneous outbreaks continues to be strained due to the global lack of resources, including shortages of the Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) and cholera supplies, as well as overstretched public health and medical personnel, who are dealing with multiple parallel disease outbreaks and other health emergencies. Based on the large number of outbreaks and their geographic expansion, as well as a lack of vaccines and other resources, WHO continues to assess the risk at global level as very high.