Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
The GARC Education Platform (GEP) is a set of free online courses developed to improve the skills and knowledge of people working in rabies awareness and prevention. Through the GEP, we aim to empower people to become rabies advocates, focal persons, and exper...ts across the globe. After completing each course, you become a certified graduate and receive a unique certificate of completion!
This publication describes the first WHO public-benefit Target Product Profiles (TPPs) for snakebite antivenoms. It focuses on antivenoms for treatment of snakebite envenoming in sub-Saharan Africa. Four TPPs are described in the document:
Broad spectrum Pan-African polyvalent antivenoms: products ...that are intended for widespread utility throughout sub-Saharan Africa for treatment of envenoming irrespective of the species of snake causing a bite. Monovalent antivenoms for specific use cases: for products for a single species (or genus) of snake (e.g., boomslangs or carpet viper antivenoms).
Syndromic Pan-African polyvalent antivenoms for neurotoxic envenoming: products that are intended for treatment of envenoming by species whose venoms are neurotoxic. Syndromic Pan-African polyvalent antivenoms for non-neurotoxic envenoming: products for snakebite envenoming where the effects are largely haemorrhagic, necrotic or procoagulant.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
Website last accessed on 09.04.2023
La equinococosis humana es una enfermedad parasitaria causada por tenias del género Echinococcus. La equinococosis afecta a más de un millón de personas.
عد عدوى الديدان الطفيلية المنقولة بالتربة من بين أكثر أنواع العدوى شيوعاً في العالم، مع وجود ما يقدّر بـ1,5 مليار شخص مصاب بها في جميع أنحاء العالم، أو ما يعادل 24٪ من ...كان العالم. وتؤثر هذه الإصابات على أفقر المجتمعات وأكثرها حرماناً، حيث تعاني هذه المجتمعات من ضعف فرص الحصول على المياه النظيفة والصرف الصحي والنظافة الصحية في المناطق المدارية وشبه المدارية، مع الإبلاغ عن أعلى معدل انتشار لها في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى والصين وأمريكا الجنوبية وآسيا. وتنتقل العدوى عن طريق البيوض الموجودة في البراز البشري الذي يلوث التربة في المناطق التي تعاني من رداءة مرافق الصرف الصحي. ويعيش أكثر من 260 مليون طفل في سن ما قبل المدرسة، و654 مليون طفل في سن المدرسة، و108 ملايين مراهق، و138,8 مليون حامل ومرضع في مناطق تنتقل فيها هذه الطفيليات بشكل مكثف، ويحتاجون إلى العلاج والتدخلات الوقائية.
Website last accessed on 14.05.2023
Leishmaniasis A group of diseases, caused by the Leishmania parasites and transmitted by the sandfly
Website last accessed on 01.07.2023
Snakebite envenoming - WHO official website
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
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Rabies is a rare but serious infection that's usually caught from a bite or scratch of an infected animal. It's almost always fatal once symptoms appear, but vaccination and early treatment can prevent it.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
Website last accessed on 24.03.2023
A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. Parasites can cause disease in humans.
2nd edition. This toolkit provides step-by-step guidance to NTD programme managers and partners on how to engage and work collaboratively with the WASH community to improve delivery of water, sanitation and hygiene services to underserved population affected by many neglected tropical diseases. The ...toolkit draws on tools and practices used in the delivery of coordinated and integrated programmes for control, elimination and eradication of NTDs. This second edition include revisions and new tools based on experiences of using the toolkit in more than 20 countries.
Enfermedad de Chagas. Comic
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
Learn how patients can prevent dengue.
La Iniciativa Medicamentos para Enfermedades Olvidadas (DNDi) es una organización internacional sin fines de lucro que proporciona tratamientos seguros, eficaces y asequibles para los pacientes más desatendidos, desde el laboratorio hasta su llegada a las manos de las poblaciones más vulnerables ...del mundo.
Website last accessed on 09.04.2023
Human echinococcosis is a parasitic disease caused by tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus. More than one million people are affected by echinococcosis.
ince the introduction of multidrug therapy (MDT), there has been significant progress in reducing the prevalence of leprosy and the occurrence of new cases. Global strategies have evolved with progress in reducing the disease burden. Encouraged by the decrease in the number of cases on treatment, th...e World Health Assembly passed a resolution calling on Member States to accelerate efforts towards global elimination of leprosy as a public health problem by 2000.
Most countries reached the milestone by 2010. The global strategies for 2006–2015 focused on sustaining high-quality leprosy services and early diagnosis. Reduction in the disease burden was measured in terms of grade-2 disability (G2D) or visible deformities in new cases. Since 2016, the strategies have included reduction of stigmatization of people with leprosy.
La schistosomiase est une parasitose aiguë et chronique provoquée par des vers (trématodes) du genre Schistosoma. Selon les estimations, au moins 251,4 millions de personnes avaient besoin d’un traitement préventif en 2021. Le traitement préventif, qui devrait être renouvelé pendant un cert...ain nombre d’années, permettra de réduire et de prévenir la morbidité. La transmission de la schistosomiase est avérée dans 78 pays. Cependant, la chimioprophylaxie de la maladie, dont le but est de traiter à grande échelle les populations et les communautés, n’est nécessaire que dans 51 pays d’endémie où la transmission est de modérée à forte.