Website last accessed on 09.04.2023
Human echinococcosis is a parasitic disease caused by tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus. More than one million people are affected by echinococcosis.
The Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) is a medium-term strategic framework for cooperation between WHO and countries and outlines a shared agenda with priority areas of work for five years. The aim of this CSS is to define medium term vision for
WHO technical cooperation with the State of Eritrea ...for a 5-year period, 2023-2027, in support of the country’s Health Sector Strategic and Development Plan III (HSSDPIII) 2022-2026 aimed at improving the health status of its people
The report showed commitments made three decades ago to protect the rights of children remain unfulfilled for millions. Violence still affects countless children. Discrimination based on age, gender, disability, sexual orientation and religion harms children worldwide.
Key factors include a lack ...of investment in critically important services. Most countries fall well short of spending the 5-6% of GDP needed to ensure universal coverage of essential health care. And foreign aid, which many lower income countries rely on, is falling short in areas such as health, education, protection and child care.
Another factor, the report said, is the lack of quality data. Governments tend to rely on data that reflects national averages, making it difficult to identify the needs of specific children and to monitor progress. Comprehensive data collection and disaggregation of data by gender, age, disability and locality, are increasingly important as rights violations disproportionately affect disadvantaged children.
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) continue to cause hardship and harm to over one billion people worldwide, burdening individuals, families and communities who are already marginalized and disadvantaged. Taking a One Health approach that recognizes the relationship between human, animal, and enviro...nmental health is key to sustainably addressing NTDs. This course provides practical ideas, tools, and examples to enable each of us to take One Health action towards the global goal of substantially reducing the burden of NTDs by 2030.
Chaque année, 2,6 millions de bébés meurent avant l’âge d’un mois. Un million d’entre eux rendent leur dernier souffle le jour même de leur naissance. Pourtant, des millions de jeunes vies pourraient être épargnées chaque année si les mères et les bébés avaient accès à des soins santé abordables et de qualité, à une nutrition correcte et à de l’eau potable. Ce rapport appelle à une coopération solide entre les gouvernements, les entreprises, les prestataires de soins de santé, les communautés et les familles pour donner à chaque enfant une chance de vivre et travailler collectivement pour atteindre une couverture sanitaire universelle et un monde dans lequel aucun nouveau-né ne meurt d’une cause évitable.
Is your child’s ear hurting? It could be an ear infection. Children are more likely than adults to get ear infections. Talk to your child’s doctor about the best treatment. Some ear infections, such as middle ear infections, need antibiotic treatment, but many can get better on their own without... antibiotics.
This document offers tools to help journalists practice responsible coverage of the pandemic using evidence-based information. It also proposes ways to approach coverage and encourages journalists to provide advice and solutions that can help reduce health risks and save lives.
A printable copy of the article published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) can be found on the CDC Homepage. Follow the Download Link for redirection to CDC.
The Global Leprosy Strategy 2021–2030 “Towards zero leprosy” was developed through a broad consultative process with all major stakeholders during 2019 and 2020. Valuable inputs were provided by national leprosy programme managers, technical agencies, public health and leprosy experts, funding... agencies and persons or members of communities directly affected by leprosy.
The Strategy aims to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is structured along four pillars:
(i) implement integrated, country-owned zero leprosy road maps in all endemic countries;
(ii) scale up leprosy prevention alongside integrated active case detection;
(iii) manage leprosy and its complications and prevent new disability; and
(iv) combat stigma and ensure human rights are respected. Interruption of transmission and elimination of disease are at the core of the Strategy.
Le Cryopack 6.2/4L PSE est un conditionnement isotherme permettant l’expédition en température basse (réfrigération ou congélation) de matières infectieuses pour l’homme (matières identifiées dans la classe 6, division 6.2 des réglementations IATA, ADR et IMDG).
The strategy focuses on mobilizing and coordinating partners, experts and resources to help countries enhance surveillance of the Zika virus and disorders that could be linked to it, improve vector control, effectively communicate risks, guidance and protection measures, provide medical care to thos...e affected and fast-track research and development of vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics
This paper aims to contribute to the reflection on effective practices to address protracted displacement, in support of the GP20 Plan of Action roll-out. It expands on the research conducted by Walter Kälin and Hannah Entwisle Chapuisat for the 2017 OCHA-commissioned study Breaking the Impasse: Re...ducing Protracted Internal Displacement as a Collective Outcome.1 That study provided a comprehensive picture of the impact of protracted internal displacement, as well as five country case studies in contexts of conflict and disasters.It also offered a road map for addressing such displacement through seven steps, including conducting joint analysis and defining collective outcomes.
This manual for developing national action plans to address antimicrobial resistance has been developed at the request of the World Health Assembly to assist countries in the initial phase of developing new, or refining existing national action plans in line with the
strategic objectives of the Glo...bal Action Plan. It proposes an incremental approach that countries can adapt to the specific needs, circumstances and available resources of each individual country. Details of actions to be taken will vary according to national contexts.
The disaster and Red Cross Red Crescent response to date
9 March 2019: Tropical Cyclone Idai forms over Northern Mozambique Channel. CVM preparedness and early warning actions underway
13 March 2019: IFRC Surge Capacity is deployed to Maputo
14 March 2019: 342,562 Swiss francs allocated from th...e IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to meet the immediate shelter, WASH and health needs of 1,500 households
15 March 2019: Tropical Cyclone Idai makes landfall in Beira,
17 March 2019: IFRC Surge Capacity arrival in Beira with CVM to conduct preliminary assessments.
19 March 2019: IFRC issues an Emergency Appeal for 10 million Swiss francs for 75,000 people for 12 months.
The report shows that where people and communities living with and affected by HIV are engaged in decision-making and HIV service delivery, new infections decline and more people living with HIV gain access to treatment. When people have the power to choose, to know, to thrive, to demand and to work... together, lives are saved, injustices are prevented and dignity is restored.
Having completed this course, learners will be able to: Describe and analyze the opportunities, challenges and limits of Global Health Diplomacy. Examine the diplomatic, financial, and geopolitical context that underlies global health decision-making. Explain the role of the many players in the spac...e, including governments, philanthropists, and multilateral institutions . Course Objective The field of global health is often thought of purely in medical or public health terms, but there are important geopolitical and policy dimensions of global health that underlie programmatic responses to global health challenges. By completing this course, learners will be able to explain the specific institutions and initiatives that are fundamental to current global health diplomacy activities and functions, and how these influence global health outcomes. Learners will further be able to summarize real-world examples where global health diplomacy either helped or limited global health outcomes, and explain the reasons for those outcomes.
Accessed July 27th, 2019
According to the United Nations, Yemen has been the "Worst humanitarian crisis in the world," for the past two years. Despite the Hudaydah Agreement signed in December 2018, the fighting continued in many areas of the country, such as Hajjah in the north, Al Dhale' e in the south and Hudaydah along ...the west coast. Within a year, another 400,000 Yemenis were forced to flee their homes, eventually adding up to one-eighth of the entire Yemeni population who had become displaced at least once, over the last five years.
In 2019, unprecedented heavy rain and flooding from May onwards caused catastrophic damage to homes and the families’ livelihoods, adding to their misery. Thousands of families who had already lost their home due to the fighting had yet again, their temporary shelters, beddings and essential kitchen supplies, destroyed.
You don't always need antibiotics when you're sick—only for infections caused by bacteria. And overuse is causing a global health problem.
Childhood Respiratory Diseases & the Environment learning objectives
•To understand how the respiratory tract is affected by the environment
•To describe respiratory diseases linked to the environment
•To list one population-level intervention and one personal-level intervention for d...ecreasing risk of respiratory diseases
Read the full manifesto:
Sign the manifesto:
This manifesto for transforming public health calls for a social movement to support collective public health action at all levels of society. Our aim is to respond to ...the threats we face: threats to human health and wellbeing, threats to the sustainability of our civilisation, and threats to the natural and human-made systems that support us.
Our vision is for a planet that nourishes and sustains the diversity of life with which we co-exist and on which we depend. Our goal is to create a movement for planetary health.