This fact sheet provides basic information about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe. The story also shows how to safely help others who may be self-isolating. Supplementary text at the end of the story gives information on where p...eople can seek help if they are unwell and signposts to other useful resources
El presente folleto, está dirigido a familiares y cuidadores con pacientes COVID-19.
This brochure is intended for family members and caregivers of COVID-19 patients.
Invest in Community, Invest in Zambia's future
Accessed July 27, 2019
The Kenya Strategic AIDS Framework IV prioritises key populations for interventions
Download Kiswahili or English frequently asked questions about PrEP.
Here you can download guidance brochures for differtent target groups and in more than 20 different languages
Este rotafolio es un material didáctico, ilustrado, importante para la labor que realiza el personal del sector de la salud, llámense auxiliares de enfermería, agentes comunitarios de salud, promotores de salud, entre otros, para la
divulgación y apropiación de los conceptos básicos de la TUB...ERCULOSIS, ya sea durante la visita domiciliaria o durante las actividades con las instituciones de salud de su zona u otras organizaciones, mediante acciones dirigidas a la prevención y el control de esta enfermedad.
Accessed online January 2018