short information for migrants on how to access medicines in Germany
short information for migrants on how to access medicines in Germany
short information for migrants on how to access medicines in Germany
Informations- & Untersuchungsheft für die Schwangerschaft
for an english translation visit:
The BBV/STI Glossary is a resource for interpreters, translators and others who work in a health setting. It offers an extensive list of English terms related to sexual health and blood-borne viruses (such as hepatitis), with easy to understand definitions.
Accessed 13th of November 2015.
Hep B Help colates a number of Hepatitis B fact sheet and other resources for patient education.
Accessed 13th of November 2015.
This website collects patient education material about cervical cancer and the prevention in several languages (chinese, english, khmer, vietnamese).
Accessed 4rd of November 2015
This website collects patient education material about breast cancer, biopsy, chemotherapy, radiation, lymph nodes, margins and surgery in several languages (Amharic, english, khmer, spanish, somali, tigrinya, vietnamese).
Accessed 4rd ...of November 2015
This website contains information about cancer in english and arabic on different topics (breast cancer, bowel cancer, brain tumours, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, prevention and much more). The material is also available in other languages (c...hinese, greek, italian, macedonian, spanish, vietnamese, mandarin)
This website collates information about several vaccination in many different languages. Information can be sorted by vaccination or language index.
Accessed 13th of November 2015.
Also available in Arabic, German, Greek, Italian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese. Other language versions can be found on the website of the German liver foundation:ätter.
Die Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer (BPtK) möchte mit diesem Standpunkt über die psychischen Belastungen und Erkrankungen bei Flüchtlingen informieren, auf die Problemfelder und Handlungsbedarfe bei der Gesundheitsversorgung psychisch erkrankter Flüchtlinge aufmerksam machen und Möglich...keiten aufzeigen, wie die Versorgung von Flüchtlingen, die unter einer psychischen Erkrankung leiden, in Deutschland verbessert werden kann.
Patient information leaflet on diabetes. Available in Arabic, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Polish, Punjabi, Tamil, Urdu and Welsh. For the versions in other languages go to
Patient information leaflet on diabetes. Available in Arabic, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Polish, Punjabi, Tamil, Urdu and Welsh. For the versions in other languages go to
Dieser Leitfaden ist in folgenden Sprachen erhältlich:
Arabisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Serbokroatisch, Spanisch, Türkisch.
Siehe dazu
Die wichtigsten Begriffe in acht verschiedenen Sprachen: Der Diabetes-Dolmetscher soll Ihnen helfen, sich Ihren Mitmenschen bei Bedarf schnell und unkompliziert mitteilen zu können.
Übersetzung in Englisch, Türkisch, Italienisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Niederländisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch.