Smartphone-basierte Aufklärung für Betroffene und Helfende in
As a parent of a child who will learn two or more languages, you may have questions. This guide will give you information based on research to help you. Language is the best tool to help a child do well later in school and in life.
Available in: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Punjabi, Spa...nish, Tagalog, Tamil, Urdu. For other language versions go to: and scroll down to Child Development.
This guide is available in following languages:
Arabic, German, English, French, Italien, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Turkish. Go to
Document also available in English, Chinese, Greek, Italian, Korean and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Document also available in English, Chinese and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Document also available in Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Italian, Korean and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Document also available in Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
As a parent of a child who will learn two or more languages, you may have questions. This guide will give you information based on research to help you. Language is the best tool to help a child do well later in school and in life.
Available in: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Punjabi, S...panish, Tagalog, Tamil, Urdu. For other language versions go to: and scroll down to Child Development.
Textheft zur CD Deutsch- Arabisch
Leitfaden für Fachpersonen des Gesundheitswesens. Grundlage des vorliegenden Handbuchs sind die aktuellen internationalen Leitlinien zur Diagnose und Behandlung der Tuberkulose.
Die vorliegende gekürzte Fassung ergänzt und aktualisiert das «Handbuch Tuberkulose 2012
für Behörden und Wohlfahrtsverbände im Land Bremen
This brochure is designed to help people who have experienced traumatic events and their families.
Available in 10 languages: albanian, arabic, german, french, english, serbian/bosnian/croatian, farsi, tamil, tigrinya, turkish. For other versions check: