Saving Lives Through Safe Surgery (SaLTS)
Accessed online January 2018
Accessed online January 2018
Accessed online January 2018
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 9(8):277
Ein Dokumentarfilm, in dem Geflüchtete aus über acht verschiedenen Ländern ihre Geschichte erzählen. Junge und Alte, Menschen unterschiedlichen Glaubens, unterschiedlichen Geschlechts und sexüller Orientierung; Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung.
As the Burundi refugee crisis enters its fourth year, some 430,000 Burundian refugees are being hosted across the region by the governments and people of Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda. Although the spectre of mass violence in Burundi has receded, with the situation still unresolved and the persistence of significant human rights concerns, refugee arrivals are expected to continue in 2018, albeit at lower levels than in previous years.
Lancet. 2018 Dec 19. pii: S0140-6736(18)31647-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31647-7. [Epub ahead of print]
These guidelines will assist the ICMR institutions/ centers/ Hqrs. by providing information on the policies, principles and approaches which should be followed in carrying out procurement of goods and services at their respective institute/ center/ Hqrs.
Características farmacológicas y clínicas más relevantes de los Medicamentos Esenciales utilizados en el manejo de las enfermedades infecciosas prevalentes en el primer nivel de atención. La misma se agrupa a su vez en: antibióticos, antimicóticos, antivirales, antiparasitarios y fármacos pa...ra el tratamiento de la Tuberculosis
Tabellarische Übersicht über Aufenthaltstitel und den Zugang zu SGB II und Arbeitsmarkt.