This guide is available in following languages:
Arabic, German, English, French, Italien, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Turkish.
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This report aims to estimate the economic cost of providing regular access to healthcare for migrants in an irregular situation, compared with the cost of providing treatment in emergency cases only. Two specific medical conditions – hypertension and prenatal care – were selected as examples, an...d their associated costs were calculated using an economic model. This model was then applied to three EU Member States: Germany, Greece and Sweden. The testing suggests that providing access to regular preventive healthcare for migrants in an irregular situation
would be cost-saving for governments.
Multilingual guide for migrants and refugees. Available in German, English, Arabic and Kurdish.
Informationen über Wirkungsweise und Anwendung
Erhältlich in 6 Sprachen: Deutsch, Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Türkisch, Russisch unterütung/die-pille-danach-faltblatt/
Funded by CBM:
This film is the Bemba version of our English film: Is your child sick - identifying a sick child (pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria)
Infection prevention and control measures for Ebola virus disease
Today’s children, and their children, are the ones who will live with the consequences of climate change.
Smartphone-basierte Aufklärung für Betroffene und Helfende in
As a parent of a child who will learn two or more languages, you may have questions. This guide will give you information based on research to help you. Language is the best tool to help a child do well later in school and in life.
Available in: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Punjabi, Spa...nish, Tagalog, Tamil, Urdu. For other language versions go to: and scroll down to Child Development.