The website "Learning About Diabetes" provides easy-to-understand educational materials for people with diabetes and their families. It focuses on improving diabetes self-management through visually engaging resources, such as illustrated guides, videos, and tools. The content covers topics like blo...od sugar monitoring, healthy eating, medication management, and lifestyle changes, making diabetes education accessible for all literacy levels.
Contents Summary Glycemic Index Individual foods Mixed meal or diet Glycemic Load Disease Prevention Type 2 diabetes mellitus Cardiovascular disease Cancer Gallbladder disease
To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and HIV expenditure, UNAIDS carried out a modelling study on fiscal space for health and HIV. From a sample of 28 countries, three countries—the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jamaica, and Lesotho—were selected to capture health and HIV ...expenditure impacts across countries with especially marked differences in burdens of disease (including HIV prevalence), HIV donor dependency, level of economic development, and geographic location. While the three-country sample is too small to permit findings to be generalized to other countries, these analyses are useful for informing UNAIDS’ work to identify some policy positions to minimize the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the HIV response.
Die Studie untersucht auf Basis von Daten des Mikrozensus sowie des SVR Integrationsbarometers den Stand der Integration von (Spät) Aussiedlerinnen und (Spät)Aussiedlern in Deutschland in zahlreichen Lebensbereichen
To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and HIV expenditure, UNAIDS carried out a modelling study on fiscal space for health and HIV. From a sample of 28 countries, three countries—the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jamaica, and Lesotho—were selected to capture health and HIV ...expenditure impacts across countries with especially marked differences in burdens of disease (including HIV prevalence), HIV donor dependency, level of economic development, and geographic location. While the three-country sample is too small to permit findings to be generalized to other countries, these analyses are useful for informing UNAIDS’ work to identify some policy positions to minimize the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the HIV response.
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poster hand hygiene
ESTUDIO ENE-COVID19: Segunda Ronda del Estudio Nacional de Sero-Epidemiología de la Infección por SARS-CoV-2 en España; Informe preliminar 3 de Junio de 2020 Informe nº 33. Análisis de los casos de COVID-19 notificados a la RENAVE hasta el 10 de mayo en España a 29 de mayo de 2020. Equipo COVI...D-19. RENAVE. CNE. CNM (ISCIII) Actualización nº 143. Enfermedad por el coronavirus (COVID-19). 21.06.2020 Sistema de Vigilancia de la mortalidad diaria (MoMo), accessed: 23 June, 2020 Instituto Nacional de Estadística: Población por comunidades, edad (grupos quinquenales), Españoles/Extranjeros, Sexo y Año Own calculations
Das interaktive Befragungs-Instrument in 32 Sprachen ist unter frei verfügbar. Die Fragen werden von der Fachperson am Bildschirm zusammen mit der befragten Person durchgegangen, wobei im Hintergrund ein Punktescore berechnet wird. Die Fragen können auch als Dokument heruntergelad...en werden.
Nach Abschluss des Interviews können die Befragungsresultate ausgedruckt oder als Dokument gespeichert werden. Es werden keine Daten im System gespeichert.
Militantisme et changement social. Partie 2
Volume 23, Number 2, Fall 2017
Стратегия народосбережения в Российской Федерации — один из основных документов государственной социальной политики. Она может быть реализована различными путя...ми, в частности увеличением продолжительности жизни представителей старшего поколения. Анализ концепций старения и гендерных особенностей процесса старения, дискурс-анализ практики формирования социального и психического здоровья женщин старшего поколения позволили выделить типологию основных социальных проблем этой возрастной группы.
The document is an instructional guide in somali on how to use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer. It provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for using the device effectively to manage respiratory conditions like asthma. The guide emphasizes the importance of correct technique, preparat...ion of the inhaler, and proper administration to maximize the medication's effectiveness. It also highlights essential points for cleaning the spacer and mentions contacting a healthcare professional for additional assistance or guidance.
The document is an instructional guide in Burmese on how to use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer. It provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for using the device effectively to manage respiratory conditions like asthma. The guide emphasizes the importance of correct technique, prepara...tion of the inhaler, and proper administration to maximize the medication's effectiveness. It also highlights essential points for cleaning the spacer and mentions contacting a healthcare professional for additional assistance or guidance.
The document is an instructional guide in arabic on how to use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer. It provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for using the device effectively to manage respiratory conditions like asthma. The guide emphasizes the importance of correct technique, preparat...ion of the inhaler, and proper administration to maximize the medication's effectiveness. It also highlights essential points for cleaning the spacer and mentions contacting a healthcare professional for additional assistance or guidance.
UNFPA has been implementing programming for women and girls through Women Friendly Health Spaces (WFHSs), which provide access to critical services, information and support. The WFHS is providing: psychosocial counseling services; awareness raising sessions on PSS in the community; and life skills &... vocational training opportunities. The WFHS also facilitates referral to other services including Psychosocial Counseling Centers (PSCCs).
The aim of this guidance note is to provide an overview of approaches on how to successfully integrate adolescent and youth (A&Y) programming into the WFHSs. UNFPA activities for women’s and girl’s protection in health facilities aim to protect women and girls including child marriage. Given that vulnerable women and girls in Afghanistan continue to access health facilities, particularly for reproductive health and maternal health services, it is crucial to provide support for survivors in the same location to improve access to essential psychosocial and protection support for women and girls. To support the integration of A&Y in the WFHS programming each WFHS will be supported by two full time Youth Educators. A female Youth Educator who will be working within the WFHS and a male Youth Educator who will be working in the community. The role of the Youth educators is to increase A&Y awareness and knowledge on living healthy lifestyles and ensuring a referral system to services in existing facilities.
Barriers to the prompt and effective diagnosis and treatment of malaria exist at both the community and health facility level. Household surveys measure malaria case management at the population level with standard indicators that assess treatment-seeking behavior, access to diagnostic testing, and ...access to appropriate treatment. Performance on these indicators varies widely from country to country. Among countries with Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS) completed between 2014 and 2016, advice and treatment was sought for a median of 47% of children under age 5 with fever.
В обзоре мы приводим основные
руководящие указания, делимся опытом и
предлагаем поддержку, а также указываем важнейшие шаги, которые должны
быть предприняты для ...спасения людей,
защиты общества и более эффективного
восстановления и которые позволят никого не забыть и устранить те самые недостатки и пробелы, которые изначально
сделали нас столь уязвимыми перед пандемией. В нем также предлагается путь к
реагированию на будущие потрясения,
прежде всего в связи с изменением климата, и к преодолению серьезного системного неравенства, которое столь безжалостно высветила и усугубила пандемия.
United Nations Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 Saving Lives, Protecting Societies, Recovering Better