Un curso y un póster cortos, basados en imágenes, que no requieren altos niveles de alfabetización. Están diseñados para apoyar a los lugares con sistemas de salud más débiles que están mal preparados para hacer frente a COVID-19 (2019-novela coronavirus).
Дети реагируют на стресс по-разному: они могут настойчиво требовать внимания взрослых, становиться тревожными, замкнутыми, неприветливыми или избыточно оживленны...ми, начинают мочиться в постель и т. д.
Отвечайте на подобные реакции ребенка позитивно, узнайте, что его беспокоит, и окружите любовью и вниманием.
Community Health Impact Coalition members & colleagues from across the world are sharing COVID-19 explainers, internal policies, clinical protocols, & more live
Fact: The new Corona Virus can be transmited in areas with hot and humid climates.
Facebook posts shared thousands of times claim that holding your breath for more than 10 seconds is an effective test for the novel coronavirus, and that drinking water regularly can prevent the disease. The claims are false; the World Health Organization and other experts said there was no evide...nce to support these claims.
Mode de Transmission
El Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid se caracteriza por la promoción del bienestar de nuestra y por el compromiso de la psicología para alcanzar este fin. Por ello, de manera inmediata, respondiendo a la necesidad y demanda social, se han llevado a cabo una serie de iniciativas orientada...s a promover un afrontamiento adecuado frente al brote de Coronavirus (COVID-19).
This course consists of a video which provides an introduction to COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Res...piratory Syndrome (SARS).
A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.
This course consists of a video which provides an introduction to COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
Venezuela’s government announced on 24 March that COVID-19 infections had reached 91... “The government says wear masks, wash your hands often, and stay inside,” Gomez said. “But we don’t have water, we often don’t have electricity, and there are no masks.”...
[President] Maduro den...ies there are shortages in Venezuela, insisting in a national broadcast on 16 March that hospitals have all the mandatory equipment.
There is no news about when health workers will receive biosecurity equipment, which Maduro said was being shipped by China along with thousands of test kits.
He also claimed the country’s collapsed pharmaceutical industry would be able to produce both a treatment and a cure for coronavirus – neither of which exist.
He recommended to the nation a homemade “cure” promoted by one Venezuelan, one “given to us by our ancestors: pepper, lemon grass, honey and ginger”.
Although the World Health Organisation advises that only people suffering respiratory problems should wear masks, Maduro decreed: “No one can walk the streets without a mask.”
This page aims to support researchers and interested individuals by providing tools and data sets related to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak and the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Durch die bundesweit erfolgreich und bekannt gewordenen Initiative „Medizinstudierende vs. COVID19“ ( medis-vs-covid19.de), die Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland e.V. (bvmd) und unserem Tech-Team haben wir im Rahmen des Hackathon der Bundesregierung (#wirvsvirus) eine Platt...form für die Vernetzung von Hilfesuchenden und Hilfebietenden erstellt.
In den vergangenen Wochen hat sich die Situation der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland extrem verschärft. Die Zahl der Infektionen mit SARS-CoV-2 steigen rasant an, unter anderem weil das Bewusstsein über den Ernst der Lage in weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung noch nicht angekommen ist. Gerade wir als... Studierende eines Heilberufes sollten in einer solchen Situation mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen, soziale Kontakte minimieren und Aufklärungsarbeit leisten. Um die Unterstützung besser koordinieren zu können, haben wir diese Website eingerichtet, über die Studierende schnell Apotheken finden, die Hilfe benötigen. Wir haben uns dazu entschieden ein Register für Apotheken anzulegen, um den Aufwand für Apotheken möglichst gering zu halten. Apotheken können auf der Website unkompliziert ein Gesuch erstellen.
Children in every country are struggling with the impact of COVID-19. An entire generation has had its education disrupted, from nurseries and pre-primaries to universities and apprenticeships
Dieses Glossar erläutert Schlüsselbegriffe zum Thema Sexuelle Vielfalt im Kontext von Antidiskriminierung und Pädagogik