Le présent document vise à sensibiliser le corps médical ainsi que les autres intervenants de la santé et du social à la situation souvent précaire des réfugiés traumatisés ainsi qu’à encadrer leur pratique. Il dispense des connaissances générales et donne des pistes utiles p...our l’abord et le suivi de ces patients.
COVID-19 Progress Report PAHO/WHO Argentina: 24 February 2022
Epidemiología; Resumen de puntos clave de conferencias y declaraciones de interés de OPS/OMS; Variantes de interés y preocupación; Actualización en vacunas; OPS/OMS en redes sociales; Publicaciones relacionadas; Noticias de la Regi...n de las Américas.
The pamphlet "ADHD Medications" provides an overview of medications commonly used to treat ADHD, such as Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin. It explains that these medications do not enhance intelligence and affect individuals differently based on dosage and medical history. Potential dangers of misuse ...include insomnia, appetite changes, increased heart rate, and reliance on the drugs for studying. Combining ADHD medications with alcohol or sleeping pills is particularly dangerous. The pamphlet emphasizes the importance of proper medical supervision and provides resources for addiction support.
Diphtherie gibt es auf der ganzen Welt. Früher starben bei Ausbrüchen dieser Infektionskrankheit viele Tausende Menschen, besonders Kinder. Weil die meisten Kinder in Europa geimpft sind, ist die Diphtherie hier seit den 1960er Jahren stark zurückgegangen. In Deutschland gab es lange Zeit nur noc...h Einzelfälle.
The WHO Disability-Inclusive Health Services Training Package is a companion to the “WHO Disability-Inclusive Health Services Toolkit: A resource for health facilities in the Western Pacific Region” published by WHO in 2020. This package offers a range of additional training materials including ...presentations, workbooks and videos that will allow users to develop the foundational skills and understanding of the Toolkit for its implementation. Together the Toolkit and Training Package will help ensure equitable access to health services, best-quality outcomes and improved quality of life for all people with disabilities to achieve universal health coverage.
In early October, Ukrainian forces continued recapturing areas of southern and eastern oblasts, notably Lyman (Donetsk oblast). The liberation of thousands of square kilometres resulted in the grim discovery of two new mass graves in Lyman and Sviatohirsk (containing of 120 civilian bodi...es). Shelling and missile strikes continue to cause the majority of casualties with 1,043 civilian casualties registered by OHCHR in October. Five waves of missile attacks on urban centres were recorder in October alone, leading to widespread disruption of energy supply with millions of citizens being deprived from electricity and water at times during the month.
FDA’s compounding program aims to protect patients from unsafe, ineffective and poor quality compounded drugs, while preserving access to lawfully-marketed compounded drugs for patients who have a medical need for them. Here you can find informations to laws &policies, compliance action, ....
Here you can find the latest situation reports