After a flood, food that has been in contact with flood-water may have become unsafe for human consumption. These flyers include tips to reduce food safety risks in the event of a flood for households,
Sodium Benchmarks for Packaged Foods
The risk of emergence and re-emergence of arboviruses with pandemic potential has increased as a global public health threat and will continue to do so in the years to come. The Global Arbovirus Initiative outlines an integrated approach across these viruses and disciplines that will enable optimal ...use of limited resources to achieve the greatest impact, particularly in areas with the heaviest arboviral burden and in areas that are at risk of emergence of arboviruses. Following a series of global consultations and review by the Technical Advisory Group on Arbovirus (TAG-Arbovirus), the Global Arbovirus Initiative and its 6 constituent pillars, each with strategic objectives and priority activities, are consolidated in this reference document.
This report provides updated information on the status of implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (BMS) and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions (collectively referred to as “the Code”) in countries. It presents the legal status of ...the Code, including the extent to which the provisions of the Code have been incorporated in national legal measures. The report examines further the processes countries use to monitor and enforce compliance with Code laws. The report also provides case-studies from a few countries on their legislative processes, highlighting examples of interference from manufacturers and distributors of breast-milk substitutes in efforts to weaken and delay Code implementation.
The Disability inclusion guide for action supports ministries of health and their partners in both advancing health equity for persons with disabilities by identifying entry points, and planning appropriate actions that strengthen the health system through disability inclusion. It focuses on the contributing factors which relate to the health system – namely, the attitudinal,
institutional, and physical barriers faced by persons with disabilities across all health system building blocks. Such factors include the exclusion of persons with disabilities in governance and decision-making processes in the health sector; gaps in knowledge, negative attitudes, and discriminatory practices among the health and care workforce; inaccessible physical infrastructure, health
information and communication; and a lack of information or data collection and analysis on disability in monitoring and evaluation in the health system.
This dataset contains data from WHO's data portal covering the following categories:
Air pollution, Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), Assistive technology, Child mortality, Dementia diagnosis, treatment and care, Dementia policy and legislation, Environment and health, Foodborne Diseases Estimates,... Global Dementia Observatory (GDO), Global Health Estimates: Life expectancy and leading causes of death and disability, Global Information System on Alcohol and Health, Global Patient Safety Observatory, HIV, Health financing, Health systems, Health taxes, Health workforce, Hepatitis, Immunization coverage and vaccine-preventable diseases, Malaria, Maternal and reproductive health, Mental health, Neglected tropical diseases, Noncommunicable diseases, Nutrition, Oral Health, Priority health technologies, Resources for Substance Use Disorders, Road Safety, SDG Target 3.8 | Achieve universal health coverage (UHC), Sexually Transmitted Infections, Tobacco control, Tuberculosis, Vaccine-preventable communicable diseases, Violence against women, Violence prevention, Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), World Health Statistics.
The acute food insecurity and malnutrition situation in South Sudan is deteriorating as a result of the economic crisis, repeated climatic shocks – primarily widespread flooding – and conflict and insecurity. The inflow of returnees and refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan is exacerbating the ...situation – putting additional pressure on an already fragile country.
Trends in under-five mortality rate in Malawi: Child health; Child protection ; Child survival ;Early childhood ;Education ;HIV/AIDS
Maternal and newborn health ;Nutrition ;Sanitation ;Drinking water;MICS
Demographic and socioeconomic data Progress towards HIV testing and treatment cascade targets by 2025 (2023) Health sector cascade (2023) Estimated number of people newly infected with HIV
Complementary feeding, defined as the process of providing foods in addition to milk when breast milk or milk formula alone are no longer adequate to meet nutritional requirements, generally starts at age 6 months and continues until 23 months of age. This is a developmental period when it is for children to learn to accept healthy foods and beverages and establish long-term dietary patterns. It also coincides with the peak period for risk of growth faltering and nutrient deficiencies.
El informe de este año presenta una actualización de la situación de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en América Latina y el Caribe, incluyendo también estimaciones actualizadas sobre el costo y la asequibilidad de una dieta saludable (Parte 1). Además, el informe examina el complejo e...scenario económico y social de la región y su impacto en el costo de las dietas saludables, para luego entregar un examen del costo y la asequibilidad de una dieta saludable a nivel subregional y nacional, incluyendo las asociaciones entre la inasequibilidad de una dieta saludable y los indicadores socioeconómicos y nutricionales (Parte 2). Además, esta edición del Panorama regional presenta un análisis de algunas políticas alimentarias y agrícolas que se están implementando en la región y que tienen el potencial de apoyar el acceso a dietas saludables, así como los factores y dinámicas a través de los cuales éstas actúan.
Africa is off track to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and lags behind in building resilient health systems
and health security, against a backdrop of limited resources. The world envisaged a significant role for governments
in funding the Sustainable Development Agenda, but inadeq...uate funding for health in African countries is
persistent, despite additional continental commitments to address the problem. When commitments to global health
targets and available fiscal space do not align, innovation is warranted.
Emergency medical teams (EMT) are first response health care providers – doctors, nurses, paramedics, and others – during outbreaks and emergencies or disasters, working with governments, charities such as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), armies, and international organizations such as the ...International Red Cross/Red Crescent movement. They comply with the classification and minimum standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners and bring to an emergency their training and self-sufficiency so as not to burden the national health system. EMT initiatives strengthen national surge capacities and facilitate the deployment of internationally classified teams of health- care professionals to countries and territories during emergencies, particularly during disease outbreaks and natural disasters, providing immediate assistance when national health systems are overwhelmed . Considering that they aim to support the provision of quality clinical care services to populations affected by public health emergencies, the expectation is that financial resources and equipment will be available to enable the performance of the requested task.
Las tasas cada vez mayores de sobrepeso y obesidad son una amenaza para la salud de miles de millones
de personas en todo el mundo. En 2016, más de 1900 millones de mayores de 18 años tenían sobrepeso , de los cuales más de 600 millones eran obesos. En 2020, más de 38 millones de menores de 5 ...años tenían sobrepeso, lo que supone un aumento de casi 6 millones en los últimos 20 años
The objective of Critical Considerations and Actions for Achieving Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Context of Universal Health Coverage through a Primary Health Care Approach is to provide guidance to WHO Member States for ensuring progress towards universal access to compr...ehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in the context of primary health care (PHC)- and universal health coverage (UHC)-related policy and strategy reforms.
This document is an output of a WHO cross-programme initiative aiming to improve the prevention, diagnosis and management of anaemia and thereby accelerate reduction in its prevalence. It comes at an important time, midway through the era of the Sustainable Development Goals, when progress in anaemia has stagnated. This framework is based on the core principles of primary health care: meeting people’s health needs through comprehensive promotive, protective, curative, and rehabilitative care along the life course; systematically addressing the broader determinants of health; and empowering individuals, families, and communities to optimize their health
The World health statistics report is the annual compilation of health and health-related indicators which has been published by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2005. The 2023 edition reviews more than 50 health-related indicators from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and WHO’s T...hirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13).
To address the health challenges brought about by the changing food environment and high salt intake, WHO China, jointly with the National Institute for Nutrition and Health of China CDC and Tsinghua University, conducted an innovative study that applied nudge-based interventions to promote lower dish options on a Chinese meal delivery app in 2020-2022.
Las escuelas juegan un papel fundamental a la hora de crear entornos seguros y enriquecedores que aseguren a los estudiantes los cimientos para desarrollarse, aprender y convertirse en ciudadanos sanos, instruidos y comprometidos
In 2019, following a request from the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH), the Codex Alimentarius Committee (CAC) approved new work at its 42nd Session on the development of guidelines for the control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in leafy vegetables and in sprouts.
The obje...ctive of the report was to evaluate commodity-specific interventions used at all stages of fresh fruit and vegetable production from primary production to post-harvest activities, transportation, point of sale and consumer use. Emphasis was placed on the identification and evaluation of interventions used throughout the world to reduce microbiological hazards of fresh fruits and vegetables that contribute to the risk of foodborne illnesses, taking into consideration their effectiveness, practicality and suitability.