This manual is for use by doctors, nurses, rehabilitation specialists, National Buruli ulcer Control Programme managers and other health workers involved in the prevention of disability activities in Buruli ulcer. You can download chapters and presentations
Buruli ulcer is a disease of skin and soft tissue with the potential to leave sufferers scarred and disabled. It is caused by an environmental pathogen, Mycobacterium
ulcerans, that produces a destructive toxin. The exact mode of transmission is unclear. The main burden of disease falls on childre...n living in sub-Saharan Africa, but healthy people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic classes are susceptible.
This manual is addressed to health care providers dealing with Mycobacterium ulcerans disease (Buruli ulcer). The manual aims to achieve a better understanding of the disease, its clinical presentation and its surgical management. The manual is aimed particularly at district health care providers. A... comprehensive protocol, adapted to each form and stage of the disease, is presented together with comments on the levels of resources and capabilities necessary
to shorten the length of treatment, to prevent complications and to minimize undesired sequelae and thus to obtain the best possible outcome for each patient. Some sections include advice relevant to surgeons (e.g. relating to bone infection). However, the level to which particular comments are intended to apply should be clear from the context.
This manual is to assist health care providers and laboratory scientists to diagnose mycobacterium ulcerans disease (Buruli ulcer). The manual aims to achieve a better understanding of the clinical presentation and its diagnosis. The methods described are tailored to various levels of care and resources to improve the diagnosis and surveillance of the disease.
This manual is to assist health care providers and laboratory scientists to diagnose mycobacterium ulcerans disease (Buruli ulcer). The manual aims to achieve a better understanding of the clinical presentation and its diagnosis. The methods described are tailored to various levels of care and resources to improve the diagnosis and surveillance of the disease.
Manuel destiné au personnel soignant.
Ce manuel s'adresse aux professionnels de la santé confrontés à la maladie à Mycobacterium ulcerans (ulcère de Buruli). Il vise à mieux faire comprendre la maladie, sa présentation clinique et sa prise en charge chirurgicale. Il s'adresse en aux prestataires de soins de santé des districts. Il présente un protocole complet, adapté à chaque forme et à chaque stade de la maladie, ainsi que des commentaires sur les niveaux de ressources et de capacités nécessaires pour raccourcir la durée du traitement.
The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of Buruli ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans infection) for the medical and scientific communities and the general public alike.